When I first started using Unity3D software I was making apps that were basically like a game/guided virtual video for PC. As I got more familiar with the software I was looking in making apps for different platforms of Virtual Reality devices such as Oculus, Samsung Gear VR, and cardboard. All the projects are made in unity while keeping in mind how it will look on the specific platform. You will be making an app for oculus which is far better in quality than Samsung Gear VR and cardboard. The problem that I faced was I would be making a project with the best quality on the oculus but when I transfer it to be used for Samsung Gear VR the app would be very laggy and the app almost unusable. So to make the project be usable again I would have to almost cut the project down to half and make the quality be decent while the app is working fine. The most challenging part is to make the project smaller with decent quality without losing any content of the project. That was the first time I had to deal with such an issue so nowadays all the apps that I make by keeping in mind of all the other VR platform that I would make the app for.
The problem that I faced was I would be making a project with the best quality on the oculus but when I transfer it to be used for Samsung Gear VR the app would be very laggy and the app almost unusable. So to make the project be usable again I would have to almost cut the project down to half and make the quality be decent while the app is working fine. The most challenging part is to make the project smaller with decent quality without losing any content of the project. That was the first time I had to deal with such an issue so nowadays all the apps that I make by keeping in mind of all the other VR platform that I would be making the app for.
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