Thesis statement draft #1

When the topic of happiness comes up a million things can pop into your head. Happiness has millions of different meanings to the billions of people in the world and beyond. But what does it really mean to be happy ? Is it that new iPhone or those new shoes you just couldn’t live without ? Or is it that Sunday afternoon you get to share with your family after a long week? Or could it be that satisfaction that you are no longer facing a problem? Whether your ideal happiness is material or more sentimental, achieving such a thing has been proven to be difficult. Our society is awash with the ideal happiness. In an Op-Ed article from the L.A Times, How to buy happiness, Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton discuss that you can actually be happier by spending money on others than on yourself. It’s the memories you make that matter rather than the money you have on your own. While on the other hand people like David Brooks, from The New York Times in What suffering does, think that it’s suffering that shapes you to become a happier person. The lessons you learn from suffering make you make better choices or even help you help others that have been in your situation or dilemma.