Chapter 9 Ethics

1. Describe how the Human Services Code of Ethics initiates, guides and promotes a clinical arena for professional and client well-being.

The Human Services Code of Ethics are instructions and rules a professional must follow in order to keep a stable and respectful relationship with the client. A professional must have autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity, and veracity. If a professional has this, it is more likely that he/she can maintain a good relationship with the client because they will feel safe and helped. A professional’s and a client’s well being will be constant if these rules are followed.

2. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to clients promotes well-being.

Part of the responsibilities of a human service professional is that he/she needs to gain the trust of the client and  protect them from physical or economic harms. Therefore, a client with this attention will be able to gain self-sufficiency and gain the skills they need in order to solve their living problems. This is how the client’s well-being will improve.

3. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the community and society promote well-being.

As human service professionals, they have the responsibility to communicate to their superiors and authorities about a client who might be of danger to a third person or the community. Also, as professionals they are required to be accepting and more open minded of diverse cultures. Therefore, professionals help to keep away danger from communities and they provide help  for other people from different cultures. Well-being is being promoted through these various ways of help.

4. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to colleagues promotes well-being for the client.

Human service professionals are able to talk about the situations of their clients among themselves because of the relative confidentiality. This can be very helpful to the professionals since they are able to hear more suggestions regarding on how to help the client. Therefore, the client is going to be more benefited due to the various opinions shared from different colleagues of the professional who is helping him/her.

5. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to the profession promotes well-being for the client.

A human service professional needs to make sure he/she is providing help to the client within their knowledge and continuously update themselves with new material regarding their profession. Therefore, a client can be assured that he/she will be provided with adequate help regarding their certain living problem.

6. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to employers promotes well-being for the client.

A human services professional is encharged of guaranteeing the effectiveness of the agency they are working for, and when a problem occurs it is their responsibility to know how to solve it properly. Therefore, the client is going to be assured with effective services that will improve their well-being.

7. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to self promotes well-being for the client.

All the good qualities that a professional must posses are: accountability, own values, respect, empathy, cultural background, and genuineness. When a professional has these qualities, it is more likely that the client will be able to trust more easily and therefore feel more comfortable. Moreover, a human services professional commits to learn the rest of their lives about the new problems that society will face throughout time. Hence, professionals will have updated information and will be able to provide adequate help for their clients.

8. Describe how the human service professional’s responsibility to educators promotes well-being for the client.

A human services educator must allow their students to express their opinions, provide them with his/her own experiences, although the educators should not impose their own moral views on them. If an educator provides with the right material to their students, then the students will be likely to become good professionals. Therefore, the clients will receive the best possible assistance that they need.

9. Describe the four stages of ethical decision making. Indicate how it strives to promote well-being to the client/society.

The first stage to ethical decision making is to identify the problem, which may require to seek for extra information about the situation. The second stage is to consult with different experts or colleagues, this requires a professional to ask for different opinions regarding the situation which might help. The third stage is identify and explore options, which will require brainstorming on what the outcomes will be from each option. The last stage is to make a choice and act, in this last stage it is required to look at back at the process and revise if it is the right thing to do.  Without the stages of decision making, it would be almost impossible to make the best choice to help the client. The process of decision making helps the professionals to think through all of the options available for the client. Therefore, thanks to this process professionals are able to take their best decision and help improve the well-being of the clients.