

Hey guys my name is Greys . Just wanted to take some time to introduce myself , first off i’m not good at writing ,doesn’t mean I don’t like to write. I know that sounds stupid ,but oh well. Im a very shy person and I guess thats one of my weaknesses I have to work on because how i’m gonna get through life without having a voice in the world. I plan to learn techniques in this class and this school year at city tech that soon will become tools I use in the future that can help me succeed . My goal is to become a psychologist and to be able to work with patients in hospitals, its what I look forward to doing after college, and of course building up my career .

What does happiness mean to me ?

Hmmm … being comfortable in your own skin and being who you truly are. I think being happy isn’t just about feeling it but being it ,and yes theres a difference.  the way I see it is feeling it just means your feeling happy for a short period of time , i mean what happens when the feeling is gone ? But being happy is living life relaxed and stress free . Yes everyone has stress every now and then but being happy can help you move away from that stress and concentrate on being healthy and being in a chilled state of mind. Again I hope this makes sense like I said i’m not good at writing so sometimes my words don’t come out the same way as I sound in my own mind…. =) So thats me hope I didn’t bore whoever is reading this