The Suspension Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge, is one of the oldest suspension bridge in New York City. But most of all it’s one of the most famous bridges in the world. Which just happens to be one of my favorite Bridges. This Bridge, connects Manhattan and Brooklyn spanning over the East River. Whistle on the bridge there’s a beautiful view of the city’s skyline on either side of the bridge.


a bridge“Life will just not wait for us to live it: We are in it now, and now is the time to live!” -Unknown. Brooklyn Bridge Park, Brooklyn NY 4:30pm


a bridge“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.” -Unknown. Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn NY 3:25pm


a bridge

“My eyes are my favorite part of me- not for how they look, but for how they see.” -Chris Sebastian. Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn NY 4:00pm


a bridge “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” -James Dean. Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn NY 6:18pm

6 thoughts on “The Suspension Bridge

  1. Great photos, I really like the last one. The bridge’s lights and the Manhattan Skyline behind it makes it magical. The Brooklyn Bridge is also my favorite bridge, and I like the fact that it’s right next to City Tech.

  2. Even though the brooklyn bridge creeps me out I love the photos you took! Especially the last one like Jean mentioned with the bridge’s lights!

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