Roasted Chickpea & Broccoli Burrito


Every year, right before the school year begins, my mom goes on a “meat-less” diet. Let’s just say, what mom says, goes! Don’t get me wrong, I always enjoy a savory vegetarian meal, but my mom tends to lack variety when she’s pressed for time.

I was at a design client meeting, when somehow vegetarian meals came into topic. Let me be upfront when I say I am not a fan of tofu if it looks, tastes, or smells like tofu. My client mentions how she made garbanzo beans taste like chicken! WHAT, WAIT, PAUSE! Needless to say, I had to try it. As well as give mom a break in the kitchen.


3 cups of cooked chickpeas  (2-15 ounce cans, drained)

1 large yellow onion

1 red bell pepper

1 large crown of broccoli

4 cloves of garlic

1 lime


spice blend:

3 tablespoons olive oil

1-2 tablespoons soy sauce, tamari, or Bragg’s Liquid Aminos (You can usually find this near the vinegars or soy sauces)

2 teaspoons chili powder

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1/2 teaspoon ground coriander or more cumin if you don’t want to go to the store

black pepper or cayenne pepper to taste



  • Heat the oven to 425 degrees. Chop up the onion, bell pepper, and broccoli so that all the pieces about the size of a chickpea. Chop up the garlic into small pieces, but save it until later.
  • Place all the chopped up veggies in a large bowl with the cooked chickpeas. Pour in the oil and soy sauce, stir, and then throw all the spices in there. Mix until everything is coated.
  • Put all of that on a large rimmed baking sheet (like what you would put cookies on but with an edge) and bake for 20 minutes. Take it out of the oven, add the garlic, and bake for another 15 minutes. The broccoli will look a little burnt at this point but that is the plan so  take it out of the oven.
  • Squeeze the juice of half of the lime over the pan and stir the roasted chickpeas and veggies all around. Taste some and see if it needs more spices or anything. Now here’s your filling, make a  burrito! I like mine with spinach, avocado, cilantro, and some chipotle sauce.

Notes: makes 6-8 burritos

a wrap sandwich

Photo © Deb Lindsey

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