Load Over Area


Peeps! My next interview will be next week.
For today, here’s a weird STEM Dad Joke!






If a load is applied to a smaller area, the resulting stress is much larger.


And if that same load is applied to a larger area, the smaller the resulting stress.


So, by that logic, the more I stress eat, the larger my area becomes. The larger my area, the more space for the load of school, work and home to disperse upon. Thus, the less stress I will incur…




Welp, at least I tried?

In all seriousness, our semester is coming to an end, my friends. It’ll get hard to stay on task with so many things flying your way, but I believe in you! Find your way of coping with stress and roll with it.

If you need some inspiration, maybe check out Cherishe’s work! She’s got some great advice for ending the semester on a good note whilst still taking care of yourself. Its a hard thing to do, but you are the occupant of a body that needs love and care. If you need time to do that, take it! At the end of the day, you’re the only one living in a body that doesn’t come with replacement parts.

Take some time and breathe and find a small thing to decompress while we hit the home stretch! (For me, I love a shot of humor!)

I hope you find your outlet, and I’ll catch you next week for another interview!



Artwork by Pebbles.

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