Essay #6: Essay #3 Revision

There are overlapping New York’s in many areas including Brooklyn. The juxtaposition that I chose is in an area near Joralemon Street. This Juxtaposition area is well maintained and in disrepair. The areas are extremely opposite and don’t seem to belong on the same block because one of the areas contains a school that is very clean and looks well maintained, while the other part of the block has another school. It looks dirty because there is a huge pile of dirt next to it. These two areas are only separated by a few feet. The two areas are Brooklyn Law School and a pile of dirt next to State University of New York Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center.

The overlapping New York that I chose is at Joralemon Street. In order to get to this area from the Adams Street entrance at New York City College of Technology, you walk straight up to the Urban Assembly Institute  of Math and Science for Young Women. You continue walking straight up and you’ll see the Marriott hotel. A few feet up you’ll see Morton’s and then you’ll have to cross the street. Then walk to your left and walk straight up. Once you pass the 41 bus stop, you will see Brooklyn Law School across the street. Once you cross the street you’ll be at Joralemon. In this location, I see cracked sidewalks with piles of dirt just sitting there next to an entrance to State University of New York Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center. Then if you walk up to Brooklyn Law School, the area looks really nice, clean, and well maintained.

The area that I chose is a well maintained area, and an area in disrepair. The two elements of the juxtaposition are really different. The first area which is the area in disrepair has a huge pile of dirt on the cracked sidewalk. It’s really just a pure cement area because there are no trees or grass around it. There were also pebbles in the dirt which are scattered on the sidewalk. This area is next to a tall building, which is interesting because I’m sure a lot of people walk past that area and it looks completely dirty. This area next to BEOC is a school that I would not see myself going to because it does not look eye-catching. It also does not seem like the school cares to maintain its area.  Then if you walk up a few feet, you’ll see the Brooklyn Law School and the area looks really well maintained. The sidewalk is clean and the gates to the Brooklyn Law School make the street look really nice. The gates are black, straight, and they are really high, and it goes good with the red building. The front of the schools sidewalk also has square patterns instead of just a plain floor. There are also trees and bushes that look like they are landscaped regularly. Brooklyn Law School looks like a school that I would want to go to because the school looks like it cares about maintaining the area it’s in. It’s really important to make your school look good because no one would want to go to a school that does not care about cleaning the area it’s in. Based on my observations of the two areas, it seems like Brooklyn Law School has more money and is harder to attend than BEOC. I chose this area in particular because I found it interesting that these two very different areas are on the same block. I found this striking because I would have never guessed that past the area next to Brooklyn Law School there would be such a dirty area in disrepair.

The subjects told me many stories. The area is nicer and cleaner next to Brooklyn Law School because the school wants to maintain a reputation. I believe this because I don’t think anyone wants to go to a school in a dirty area, so the school maintains the property. The school is also really big and attracts a lot of attention so they maintain the area. This relates to Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits” because we try to maintain area’s even though we know we are not always going to be around to see them. He states that, “Maybe we become New Yorkers the day we realize that New York will go on without us. To put off the inevitable, we try to fix the city in place, remember it as it was, doing to the city what we would never allow to be done to ourselves” (Whitehead, p.3). The area next to State University of New York Brooklyn Educational Opportunity Center looks like it’s not an area that’s as popular as the other one. It looks like this area is used for just passing by to get to where people need to go. It’s interesting to see this because the dirt looks like it’s not there to serve a purpose, so I wonder why it’s there. This relates to Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits” because when you’re building your own view of a city you learn to love the cities imperfections, like when he started building his New York in the subway near 125th street and everything was filthy, that’s what he remembered about it. He stated that, “I started building my New York on the uptown No. 1 train. My first memory is of looking out a subway window as the train erupted from the tunnel on the way to 125th street and palsied up onto the elevated tracks. It’s the early 70’s, so everything is filthy. Which means everything is still filthy, because that is my city an I’m sticking to it” (Whitehead, p. 1).  This quotation proves that someone who goes to BEOC must see New York as just a dirty place, whereas someone who goes to Brooklyn Law School has a different vision of New York.

In conclusion, the overlapping area that I chose was an area that had two very opposite places. There was an area with a cracked side walk with a huge pile of dirt on top which didn’t seem to belong in the same block as the area near Brooklyn Law School, which was a really nice and well maintained area. The two areas of the juxtaposition may be different, but they give the street character. I believe that the areas are in the conditions there in because of what’s next to them and how important those places are.

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Essay 6 Blog Post Revison

Walking Tour Blog

When I first heard about walking tour with the Brooklyn Historical Society I was honestly not interested and didn’t feel like attending. After taking the walking tour I completely changed my opinion, not only, of the tour but of Brooklyn as well. The tour was only of Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights, and was around two to three hours long. Within that short period of time I viewed how beautiful the area around City Tech was and a lot about Brooklyn’s historical background, which I found incredibly amusing. When the tour began I immediately became interested with the stories they were telling us. One that really caught my attention was the burned down theater, because I remember hearing about this particular event but never really knew where it was. Another part of the tour that really just inspired me was the view of Manhattan from the promenade; I didn’t know about this area and thought the view of Manhattan was so close and beautiful; also the view of the Brooklyn Bridge was an added bonus. Another interesting and great part of the tour was how our guides told us the stories behind these certain historical buildings in Brooklyn, and their knowledge on Brooklyn’s history. One of the most interesting stories of the tour was the urban legend story about the crazy lady who took down the signs of the street names and replaced them with the different fruit names. Even thought the guides told us, that story wasn’t true it was nice to know, that it was an urban legend that many people believed in. Overall I enjoyed the tour we took with BHS, a lot and I do plan on visiting certain places again. I would absolutely recommend this tour to future students who decided to take part of the SAFA program next semester.

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Essay 6 Reflection


This fall semester I took a course involving the SAFA project or in other words Students and Faculty in the Archives project. This allowed me access to materials from the Brooklyn Historical Society and their archives. Having never been in a program like this, I have to say it was a wonderful learning experience. Being able to learn about certain locations in Brooklyn and reading about Brooklyn history through written work and documents, has opened my eyes to a whole new Brooklyn. We would spent time in the Brooklyn Historical Society’s library viewing old maps one day and the next we would be reading old letters and documents. This was my first experience working with such fragile pieces of information. One of the most memorable experiences I have with this program was when we took the walking tour around Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights. We walked around and viewed some historical monuments and were told fascinating facts about Brooklyn. I feel being in the SAFA project with the Brooklyn Historical Society affected me differently than my fellow classmate’s, because I never really been in Brooklyn, before entering this semester in college. Being part of this program truly did help me understand more about Brooklyn and the area I study at. I would recommend the SAFA project to anyone, even people who at first wouldn’t find it interesting at first, because in the end it’s an enjoyable leaning program and you have a lot to gain from taking it. That’s what I mainly took from this program and don’t regret ever taking it.


Promenade– (Noun) – A stroll or walk, especially in a public place, as for pleasure, or display. (

Archives(Noun) – Documents or records relating to the activities, business dealings, etc., of a person, family, corporation, association, community, or nation (

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Telling Brooklyn Stories Reflection

You can say it started off as I stepped into the English classroom. It was time for a new chapter in life, and many things to come ahead. I would only roam around from class to class and discover nothing new.College no longer felt like high school and classes no longer seemed like fun. Eng1101 was not a class, it was more of an adventure.

Walking out from city tech to Brooklyn heights was as if the whole class stepped into a time matchine.I saw women with pretty long elegnat dresses and their child by their side. Horses with wagons transporting men to work. Houses where all with big doors and windows to allow the sun to shine upon them. As people entered their home men would rub their shoes against the boot scraper to clean any horse waste. I not only saw how people lived but saw all of Brooklyn throughout out the maps.Brooklyn changed right infront of me as I skimmed my eyes through all the different maps. From Brooklyn in the 1600s to brooklyn in 2005,I was able to use the railway tickets and move around all Brooklyn. I read letters that took me back to when emails or texting was not invited. In just one semester, I took a time matchine and went around Brooklyn.

From the tour I saw an old town with hardworking men going to work and women taking care of their children. I also took a look at Brooklyn from a birds point of view with the use of a map, and transported my self back to history  by reading letters from the 1800s and exploring railway tickets. I was able to take a close look at my surrounding, and from this experience I was able to tell my story.


Landmark:a building or other place that is of outstanding historical, aesthetic, or cultural importance, often declared as such and given a special status (landmark designation),  ordaining its preservation, by some authorizing organization

Vaudeville:theatrical entertainment consisting of a number of individual performances, acts, or mixed numbers, as by comedians, singers, dancers, acrobats, and magicians. Compare variety

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Essay #6 Reflection

This semester in English we got the opportunity to express our views on various topics. Such as our opinions on what we thought about readings that we discussed in class for example, City Limits and Reading Lucy. We were challenged to really think about what each author was saying in the story, and how we could relate to that subject. We were encouraged to write about each topic on our class site “openlab”. As a class we got to observe photographs and really think about it in a way that we never had before. We mainly focused on Brooklyn and how we could make our experience at City Tech better. We got to take an actual walking tour of Brooklyn Heights and its neighborhood, and researched Brooklyn’s history at the Brooklyn Historical Society. Professor Rosen gave an assignment to walk 15 minutes away from our college and find a place that we felt was important for everyone to know about. That assignment made me learn that there are many things Brooklyn has to offer right by our school. It also got a chance for our peers to share locations that was new to everyone. In class we had open discussions on what we felt was important in every topic that we discussed. Also to take our writing abilities beyond what we thought that we could do. By revising and making drafts that our Professor made comments about and helped us to perfect our writing. Also to do peer revisions as well in class and listening to what our peers felt about our work. This first semester showed me that there are many different ways of learning about things, not just reading something in book. Telling Brooklyn’s Stories gave me a new perspective of what college can offer me, meeting new people and being hands on with history and professors.

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Essay #6-Reflecting on Maps at the Brooklyn Historical Society

Reflecting on Maps at the Brooklyn Historical Society

As a class we got the opportunity to learn about Brooklyn’s history together. The day we went to the Brooklyn Historical Society was exciting and very different for me being as though I am not from Brooklyn. We got to learn about a lot of different maps throughout the history of Brooklyn. It was interesting to see how many different perspectives of what Brooklyn looked like. To see what Brooklyn used to look like in the past and how it looks now makes everything seem so real. Some of the maps were weird the way that they were created, come looked like someone drew and colored it with crayons, another with blocks all over it. The maps all seemed that someone had put a lot of detail into making sure that the map was accurate. It was funny to see that they all had something special about them. What was really strange to me was how the compass was positioned on some of the maps, it wasn’t facing the usual way as the maps we see today. As the years past i could see that the maps started to look better and more accurate. Even the subway line on a map was cool because i take the subway to school today and some of the stops were still the same on the train. As a class we got to work together and it felt more comfortable because we were all learning something new at the same time. Having experts that worked at the Brooklyn Historical Society gave us more information than a map ever could. They explained everything on the map and the time period of when each particular was made. Ultimately my trip to the Brooklyn Historical Society was an eye opening experience to the history of Brooklyn.

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Essay #5 Cover Letter

In this essay i discuss why our class should spend more time learning about Columbus  Park. Since we go to school not too far from there it should be an important of the tour that we take. I explain the easy way of getting to Columbus Park that u find is the easiest. I write about the history of Columbus Park and Borough Hall, there are many statues located in  the park so of course there are stories behind it. The view of the park and what goes on in there, I share my personal experiences walking through the park and what i observed as well. It has all sorts of things that can be eye-catching for everyone. The tour did not really go into dept of what goes on in Columbus Park and i felt that it was important to let the audience the different attractions, buildings, and people. It is important to learn about your surroundings and in my essay I show what Columbus Park has to offer.

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Essay #6 Reflection

The Brooklyn Historical Society was a fun experience. I learned so much about Brooklyn. When I first came to City Tech I thought English class was just going to be a bunch of novels and we would have to do ten page papers on them. Instead, we took an awesome walking tour and visited the beautiful promenade. It is one of my favorite places to go and relax around City Tech. The view of Downtown Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge is astounding. That is what mostly caught my eye during the walking tour; I even had to take pictures! My second experience with analyzing the maps was great as well. It brought me back to when I was a kid and use to always look at the subway maps. During my whole train ride I would just look at the map with fascination. The maps brought back some memories. The 19th and 18th century maps made me think about the way of living in those days. Transportation must have been harder with no cars, buses, or trains around. Living with boot scrapers must have been an annoyance with all of the horse manure everywhere. Plus you had to do more walking since there were no cars. The old subway maps must have also been terrible for tourists because it showed no streets. I noticed that in the old subway maps all of the subway lines were drawn so narrow and straight. The subway maps now have even the park locations, long island railroad, and the metro-north. The MTA made vast improvements from 25 years ago. Overall, I had a great experience working with the Brooklyn Historical Society. I might go back one day if I need the library for some research in the future.

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Essay #5 Cover Letter

In essay #5 I wrote about why the Downtown Brooklyn Tour would be better if the Brooklyn Navy Yard was included. I suggested this by writing about the history of the navy yard, the women who worked in the navy yard during World War II, and the new museum which recently opened at the navy yard. The new museum contains many artifacts, including the “benches from the battleship North Carolina line the second level near a detailed model of the battleship Maine”. The battleship Maine was significant because it was the ship that sank that led to the Spanish-American War. The reading “Reading Lucy” provided an example of a strong independent woman named Lucy who worked in the navy yard. I said “were no slouches, performed heavy tasks, and took their work seriously.” The fact that Lucy was working to be promoted to 3/c suggested she was working hard. I enlisted many of the important battle ships that were built at the navy yard such as The Ohio, USS Maine, USS Arizona, and USS Missouri. These three main points suggested that the Brooklyn Historical Society would make there tour better if they were to include the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The history would benefit the students because of the worthwhile experience and the museum also has no entrance fee. Therefore, it would not be costly to any of the students. This history should be recognized and covered during the Downtown Brooklyn tour.

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Poster Session information


We will visit on Wednesday, and I hope that you can spend more time there to see the projects your fellow students have produced.



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