Essay #1

Essay 1: Introducing yourself visually and verbally

You have already found or created a photograph that tells the rest of the class about you because it captures your passion OR philosophy OR vision of your future in five years. You have spent some time looking at the photograph and describing it. Using your photograph, your one-paragraph description of the photograph, and our class discussion about how to read a visual image, write an essay that answers the following questions:

What is your passion OR philosophy OR vision of your future in five years?

How does this photograph represent your passion OR philosophy OR vision of your future in five years? In answering this question, you will need to describe your photograph.

In what ways does the photograph not represent what you want it to, and how might it be read differently by your classmates?



Use the paragraph you brought to help you write your essay, but feel free to change what you have to say now that we have discussed reading visual images.

Plan your essay before you begin writing your essay. You can use these questions as the general order of your essay if you want, or you can rearrange them as you want. Make sure, though, that you answer all of the questions. You might want to address each question in its own paragraph, or you might have a different organization plan.

Aim to write 450-600 words. There is no need to count all of your words—if you get five words per line, it’s approximately 4.5-6 pages in the blue book.

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