Research project

(1) I did my first research presentation in DEN1114, Histology class. It was in the very first semester of my Dental Hygiene program. My research topic was on one of the neural tube defect conditions called spina bifida. I read some peer reviewed journals and gathered few information about the etiology, symptoms, and treatment of the spina bifida. The powerpoint presentation is as linked below:

NTD spina bifida

(2) In DEN1200, seminar class, I did a research paper on the magement of periodontitis in Down Syndrome Population through the use of Low energy Diode Laser irradiation. Lower energy diode laser was utilized as an antibacterial weapon in reducing the bacterial load in the down syndrome population with periodontal disease. The research journal links are as follows:

journal part I Article   Part I journal 3-11-14   Part II Journal 3-20-14   Part III Journal 3-27-14   Part IV journal IV

Later, my research was amalgamated with the researches of other two students and we formed a group. We presented at our dental meeting presentation day at school.


Our group presentation day at school

(3) In DEN2311, Oral pathology class, I did a research paper on benign odontogenic tumor called ameloblastoma. There are three types of ameloblastoma, namely multicystic, unicystic, and peripheral. My research was on the multicystic ameloblastoma. Sometimes known as  multicystic solid ameloblastoma. The link for the research is as follow:

Pathology research on Multicystic(solid) Ameloblastoma

(4) In DEN2315, Pharmacology class, a research was done on the Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder. Under the research, I have learned about the disorder and its symptoms. Since the research was related to the pharmacology course, I tried to emphasize on presenting as much information as possible on the pharmacologic category. The research was then represented in the class via a powerpoint. The powerpoint link is as follows:

Pharm presentation powerpoint on TMD

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