My name is Tenzin Dhasal, I was born in such a privileged century that I am always thankful to God for his deliverance.Unlike others, I always lived in my own utopian world in which everything looks so perfect and easy to tackle things without any feeling of detestation. People say I am very easy going because I take things in a positive way and believe in a down to earth attitude. Time passed by and I still find my self in that same happy world. One day I questioned myself, Tenzin why are you always so happy? And then my inner voice told me that my optimism level is so profound that I perceive all the objects in this world in a optimistic way. That thought made me call myself a positive attitude person.
I am a Buddhist by religion. One of the main teachings of my religion is to be a compassionate individual. I strongly believe in it and very thankful for such a virtuous view point. It truly helps your state of mind when you show love to others and see them smiling. It feels great when you become the reason for someone elseʼs happiness. Call it a co-incidence or not, through my profession as a Dental Hygienist, I am literally making people smile with full confident. Happiness thereafter follows automatically, simultaneously :)… that is the greatest thing about my career. I have seen millions of smily faces around me since I was born and I have millions of smily faces to see in the future as well. God bless all the Dental Hygienists in the world.

Smily face