Author Archives: Tesfa Dennis

Journal Entry 6. Moving Forward

Journal Entry #6   Moving forward at this point, I am now focused on the Fashion Show and its logistics sound wise. Having been brought into the production meetings for this event gave me a better overview of the things … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 5. Adding Some Context

Journal Entry #5   At the point at which we find ourselves is this, project idea #1 has been scratched, so we move on to idea #2. Things have fallen through the cracks for idea #2, a few deadlines have … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 4. Focus Change

Journal Entry #4   Having now gathered all the information I need for the MAPP part of the project (Meyer Mapp, a speaker prediction software) I then emailed my finding over to our Advisor for him to look over so … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 3. Roadblocks

Journal Entry #3   There has been a bit of a scheduling issue so far, and what I mean by that is this; I am not able to find a good date to set aside time to meet up with … Continue reading

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Journal Entry 2. A New Hope (New Project Idea)

Journal Entry #2   Finding another project to focus on for culmination didn’t take long to find soon after we were told that there wouldn’t be enough time for the previous idea we had in mind. As of right now … Continue reading

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Journal Entry One. The Beginning Of Culmination.

My Culmination Project here at City Tech is a joint project with me and another student, Hubert Alcide. For our Culmination Project we wanted to do a concert for the Spring semester of 2017, we have been thinking about this … Continue reading

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This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! The ePortfolio is both a Learning Blog and an Academic Career Portfolio. Use the Learning Blog to document your learning experiences and class assignments … Continue reading

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