Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #4

We invite you to tell a story about how you are preparing to be a City Tech student. Research has shown that first-semester students often worry about their transition to college, yet eventually they become comfortable and find a community of people with whom they are close and feel they belong. Share your own story of preparing to be a college student. *

* This reflection is inspired by the “Our Stories” project.


  1. kai

    My story pertaining to preparing to start college started when I finally realized my calling was fashion. I tried to go down the self taught route but I realized it would be more beneficial to go back to school. That way I can develop the physical skills needed, connect with like minded ppl whether students or teachers and have access to opportunities that wouldn’t be available to me normally.

    So I started paying off the debt I accumulated (previously dropped classes because I didn’t want my gpa to drop.) Which took some perseverance because it seemed like I was barely making a dent for a while. Then I finally paid down to zero, got my hold removed. Transferred, spoke to a general advisor about what I wanted to do/what i needed and got my schedule. Then I started researching studying tips and habits I can put in place to help me be more successful. I even joined Asap and applied to workshops to get more information about school and tips on how to be successful. And now here I am <3

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s great that you followed your passion for fashion and worked hard to get back into college. Joining ASAP and preparing with study tips shows you’re ready to succeed. Keep it up!

  2. Daniel

    I still kind of feel nervous about attending college even though it is my first semester

    but I hope to try my best and do everything I have been told in the seminars

    and I believe that it will be possible

    • Kastia

      College can be scary but just keep in mind this is something good. It will change your life. You will also meet people and try new things that are out of your comfort zone. College is a place to explore. I believe it’s the place where you build your future but also have the most fun. Go find that fun and make it the best experiences of your life. Stories you’ll tell your kids

    • Talisha Rahman

      Feeling nervous is normal, but it’s good that you’re ready to try your best. Following the seminar advice will help a lot. You’ve got this!

  3. Yeinerd

    I’ll just say that life is a journey, and I know for sure that college is as well, and me personally I don’t feel nervous, scared or anything. I’m just me, whatever challenge, difficulty, assignment, college is going to throw at me, It doesn’t matter I’ll take it.

    And you might be wondering how am I going to tolerate all that, So let me tell you:

    • Time management: once I got my schedule, it was easy to figure it out.
    • Socialize: I believe I have a great personality to make people laugh ( when I’m in a good mood).
    • Explore: I ain’t got no problem asking, we will see what’s up.
    • ETC,ETC,ETC….
    • Yeinerd

      I really took notes from Professor Natalie and we really appreciated the feedback given throughout the classes. I really hope everyone who reads this comment enjoys its journey through college, It will be stressful for sure but it’s not the first time isn’t it ?. And keep yourself motivated and remember if life screws you up, do the same to life.



      see you around guys.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Your positive attitude is great! Time management and being open to new experiences will help you succeed. Keep going!

  4. Kastia

    College is not new to me but I plan on making it last this time. As a city tech student that has returned to college, I want to make sure I can be organize with school and personal life. My goal is to little by little learn to adapt. School is one of my priorities, but I also want to make sure I spend time with family. Make sure that although school is important, there’s nothing that will make me not be there for them. They are my support and the reason why I’m returning to college. We are all risking and adjusting to something that wasn’t in the plan but wasn’t questioned when I made the decision. Balancing school with family is the goal. By doing that, I’ll be able to make myself proud, my family proud and feel happy with myself.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Balancing school and family is important. Staying organized will help you manage both. You’re doing great—keep going strong!

  5. Cee Green

    Beginning my career at city tech began with starting the workshop and that gave me a great intro to success in college. Starting to become more open with my peers also help everyone may have resources or ideas that can also help me with my difficulties. I’ve went to school before but never made it my priority this time I will you have to have to be focused and determined and know long nights and reading more materials are just apart of the path to success. I’m ready to put my all into school and information I’m taking in I know it will help me in the long run even though it may seem difficult right now.

    • Talisha Rahman

      The workshop gave you a good start, and being more open with peers will help. Stay focused and determined—it’ll pay off!

  6. gusseppe

    They way I prepare myself to be a city tech student is to be very organized with my work and resources that way I have everything all sorted out within myself. Get rid of bad habits that can affect my grades and work that way I won’t have to stress too much. Overall just being a better student than i was in high school by being on top with my grades.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Being organized and getting rid of bad habits are great steps. Staying on top of your work will make a big difference. Keep it up!

  7. Devonte

    In becoming a college student, I want to have a different experience than my time in high school. I feel that I didn’t have the time to fully take advantage of the events/workshops/clubs that Brooklyn Tech had to offer, so in City Tech I am actively attempting to put myself in more events and oppurtunites so that I can gain a greater grasp of the school and hopefully meet some other people within my interests

    • Talisha Rahman

      Getting more involved at City Tech is a great plan. Joining events and clubs will help you connect and get more out of college. Go for it!

  8. Somali

    Taking this course has absolutely been a catalyst in the excitement I’m feeling going into this semester. The amount of resources that are available let’s me know I’ve made the right decision applying here. I plan to dive into my academics and network with like minded people. I plan to find a club, one that supports me both academically and emotionally. Most importantly, stay focused and apply myself in a positive direction.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s awesome that this course boosted your excitement. Finding a supportive club and staying focused will help you succeed. Keep going!

  9. Farouk02

    I plan on doing exactly what I’m doing right now, responding to any and every email as soon as I see it and constantly keeping an eye on my classes to see if there’s any updates I need to know about, Plus I plan on keeping multiple friends in order to broaden what I can find out through other people

  10. Isabella

    I plan to be a very organized student and be more cautious of any mistakes I make because it’ll affect me in the long run. I plan to be very disciplined in myself because no one will other than myself. I also plan to be more friendly and open to new opportunities.

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