Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #3

Think about a time when you joined a new group activity (maybe a team, religious retreat, club, or workplace). 

  • How did you feel when you first joined? 
  • Do you recall a moment when you felt like you were part of the group? 
  • What benefits did you get from participation in the group?
  • What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech? 


  1. Devonte

    In my sophomore year of high school, I joined the Brooklyn Tech JV basketball team. When I first joined, I was ecstatic because I had to go through 4 rounds of tryouts to be allowed on the team. Whenever we had a game and we ran out together to run our drills, it always instilled me with a sense of togetherness with my fellow teammates. A benefit I got from being on the team was being able to attend different high schools when playing away games and also visiting colleges like Harvard when we joined various camps. When looking for a group in City Tech, I would want to feel involved and part of a team like I did when I was on the JV/Varsity teams.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s great that being on the basketball team made you feel like part of a group. Visiting other schools and colleges sounds exciting. I’m sure you’ll find that same feeling at City Tech.

  2. Cee Green

    I was so nervous coming into this class but then we did an icebreaker and we all had to speak to eachother and I must say it put me at so much ease after. I’ve learned that we are all here trying to learn new things and also getting to know new people the networking actually is going to be amazing in the long run. I never study in a open space but I think studying in open spaces will help me meet new people and feel apart of City tech.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Starting out nervous is normal, but it’s awesome the icebreaker helped you relax. Studying in open spaces is a smart way to meet new people and feel more connected at City Tech.

  3. Isabella

    During high school I decided to join the girls soccer team. I felt extremely nervous because I’m not amazing at soccer and I’m not good at being outgoing at first. Luckily, my best friend was also joining the team with me so I had like that support so we would both just talk to the girls and make conversation. I felt like I was apart of the group when we were all able to just joke around and laugh without it being fake or awkward. At City Tech to help myself be apart of a group is by going to clubs, being outgoing and just not be awkward. I have to remember that there are also kids fresh out of high school too so I’m not alone.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Joining the soccer team and making friends sounds great. Being outgoing and joining clubs at City Tech will help you feel part of a group too. You’ve got this!

  4. gusseppe

    Th first time I joined a group activity which was a sports club in high school, at the beginning I was barely talking to the people in there but then as time went by I become more interactive with the people in the club and become friends with all them. Ever since that, I had always been so eager to go to sports club after school. Overall I was really excited playing all types of sports with them because sometimes it would always get competitive or it was just fun to play against or with them and create memories. Going forward this upcoming semester i will be hoping to start a sports club and recruit as many people as possible to have an amazing time but to also meet new people and make friends.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s awesome that you made friends through the sports club. Starting a sports club at City Tech sounds like a fun way to meet people and make new friends. Good luck!

  5. Farouk02

    What can you do to help yourself feel like part of a group at City Tech

    i plan on making as much friends as possible, constantly looking for ways to build a mutual relationship in where both parties participate, going the extra mile to ensure our relationships are valid and actually useful. I plan on also joining various clubs in order to figure out what I like especially because I’m fresh out of highschool so I feel clueless. But then again being clueless and accepting it is the first step to gaining more knowledge

    • Talisha Rahman

      Your plan to make friends and join clubs is a great way to feel part of a group at City Tech. Being open to new things is the first step. Keep going!

  6. Daniel

    Back In high school I always feel motivated about inventions and ideas of manufacturing things so I decided to join the jet club and few days later I became the club president

    So while being the president, we were mandated by our teachers to manufacture a drone with cardboard and successfully we were able to make one and was congratulated by my teachers

    • Talisha Rahman

      Leading the jet club and building a drone is impressive. It’s great you took on that leadership role. You’ll do well finding a group at City Tech too!

    • Kastia

      Make sure that motivation is always with you. If you ever feel down, think about that experience and the motivation that brought to dream big.

  7. Somali

    When I became a preceptor at one of my jobs, I was very nervous. I was in a position having to train new hires. I experienced some episodes if being unsure of myself, but after my third training I began to build confidence. I felt like an important member of the team given this opportunity. Seeing trainees doing well in their new positions was rewarding. I feel like connecting with other students who are in the same program, same classes, would help me feel like a part of CityTech. I look forward to it.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s normal to feel nervous, but it’s great you gained confidence as a preceptor. Connecting with others in your program and classes at City Tech will help you feel more at home. Good luck!

  8. kai

    In high school, I joined the dance program and I was really scared at first because I knew I wasn’t the best dancer but I really enjoyed the activity and wanted to learn more. So I joined anyways. And it was very intimidating at first. But eventually all the participants (that was in my grade) go to know each other. And since we used to have a period of dance, lunch practices sometimes and after school practice everyday, we all really got to bond and know each other.

    But when I really felt part of the group was when I had a solo but there was a part that I kept messing up and beating myself up over. But everyone supported me and insisted that I would get it or would help me practice.

    And when I came to practice one day and basically did my part perfectly. My friends, co works and teacher congratulated me, saying they knew I could do it. And in that moment I went from feeling like a not so great dancer to more confident in the skills I was . And it made me really feel more apart of the group and more of a dancer like the rest of them.

    Some benefits I gained was teamworking skills, increased creativity and most importantly persistence.

    I can help myself feel apart of a group here at city tech by first joining a group. But then by engaging with other students and finding people that I really relate to.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Joining the dance program helped you build confidence and teamwork. Engaging with others at City Tech will help you feel part of the community too. Keep it up!

  9. Kastia

    I think Trying to join the sorority I’m part of was difficult for me because of looks and ethnicity. During the school fair, I asked someone else for the flyer. It wasn’t easy but I got there. Through the entire process I felt like I was being judge when I was judging myself. I opened to one of the sisters about it. She explained that joining clubs or sorority is stepping out of our comfort zone. It’s hard because we’re fresh out of high school but have others being there for you not only brings support but connections that may be useful for the future.

     As a new student Citytech, my goal is to join a club. I don’t know what club but I want to join at least one. I believe that knowing different type of people with different career path can lead to connections that might help you in future. 

    • Talisha Rahman

      Joining a sorority was a big step, and it’s great you shared your feelings. Joining a club at City Tech will help you meet new people and make connections. Good luck!

  10. Yeinerd

    Soccer team from high-school.

    The firts time I feel intimidated and nervous because I didn’t know who my teammates were or how good they were, and firts I thought that the team sucks because I heard rumors that they were extremely bad, and I even wonder myself what I was doing, but that year we were unstoppable. We got to play off but we didn’t win the league.

    However i got with me many momories, i remembered everytime when teammates score goals we used hug and celebrate it like there was not tomorrow. And what I learned from that experience was team work, a lot of teamwork can make you to reach out you smalls goals or even the main ones.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s awesome your soccer team did so well despite your initial doubts. The teamwork you learned will help you at City Tech. Keep building those connections!

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