Developed by First Year Programs

Reflection #1

What do you want your classmates to know about you? Consider sharing your goals as a college student, why you chose City Tech, what you hope to learn in your first semester at City Tech, or anything important to you.

Read other classmates’ posts and help welcome each other by writing a response.


  1. kai

    Heyy, I’m Lakiyah (Kai). My main goal is to be a fashion designer. So after taking a 2yr break from college, I transferred to City Tech to get an associates in Business and Tech of Fashion. Then I plan to transfer again to get my bachelors in design.

    I don’t really have anything specific I want to learn in my first semester here but I do hope to end this semester with great grades and some fun or educational experiences.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s great that you’re following your dream of becoming a fashion designer. I hope you have a successful first semester with lots of new experiences. Good luck!

  2. Kastia

    I want my classmates to know that this is my second chance. I failed once because I didn’t for help. I didn’t ask a simple question that’s normal in college because I feared the outcome. My goal is to finish and graduate. For most that’s the goal but to me it means I did it and didn’t give up. I applied to many colleges, but I had no hope. I didn’t check my email, until I had an issue with my phone bill and had to check my email. That’s when I saw my acceptance email. I have no idea how many colleges accepted me, I just went with paralegal studies and Citytech offered it. I told my partner I was going to college July 26th and the answer was when do I start and here I am starting college all over again. I need to wish this time because I don’t want to go to sleep thinking I gave up. I want to share this with my daughter one day. I don’t want her to see me as someone who did half the work. I want her to see me as someone who took a chance. “She believed she could, so she did.”

    • Cee Green

      A true testimony, I love this!

    • Talisha Rahman

      Your story is really motivating. I admire your determination to finish college for yourself and your daughter. I, myself, pushed my mom to go after her dreams and finish college as well, she just graduated this year and is working on her masters. You can do this!

      • Kastia

        I love that you pushed your mom to finished. That shows the type of person you are and will in the future.

  3. Cee Green

    I’m currently a coordinator in the radiology department at NYP Weill Cornell, I’m looking to become a xray technician. I have been out of school for years and I’ve realized I need to further my education to be more successful in my career but also just overall successful in life. City tech will be a new beginning for me it’s never too late to start over.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s awesome that you’re going back to school to advance your career. City Tech is a great place to start fresh. Best of luck!

    • Kastia

      Successful is the goal

  4. Cee Green

    I’m currently a coordinator in the radiology department at NYP Weill Cornell, I’m

    looking to become a xray technician. I have been out of school for years and

    I’ve realized I need to further my education to be more successful in my career

    but also just overall successful in life. City tech will be a new beginning for me

    it’s never too late to start over.

  5. gusseppe

    I want my classmates to know I’m a hardworking student and I want to succeed in every aspect in order to have a successful college experience. One of my many goals is to find a good career path after college, it’s been a goal ever since my senior year of high school when I chose computer science as my major so I really hope i achieve it. Why I chose City Tech? I chose City Tech because it is full of opportunities and diversity that can help students develop their skills or learn more about their skills. I hope to learn something new from each of my courses I’m taking this semester so that I’m able to have full knowledge about whatever it is.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s clear you’re focused and hardworking. City Tech will give you lots of opportunities to grow. I hope you learn a lot this semester. Keep it up!

  6. Devonte

    As a computer systems major, I plan to utilize my major courses to broaden my comprehension of the computer science field so I can take this knowledge to begin my career through obtaining an entry level software engineering position. I chose City Tech because I believed that the courses within their computer systems major best aligned with what I wish to learn in college. My main goal for my first semester is to finish up my prerequisites/ common core classes so that I can fully focus on my major work starting next semester

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s awesome that you have a clear plan for your career in software engineering. City Tech’s program seems like a great match for you. Good luck with your first semester, and I hope you can dive into your major courses soon!

  7. Isabella

    I want my classmates to know that I’m very dedicated and motivated to do my best. I wasn’t very the smartest in my decisions in high school so I feel as if this is a second chance in my education to be better. I chose City Tech to major in Radiology, I’ve always wanted to work in the medical field to help others and this is the perfect opportunity how. This semester I hope to stay as dedicated as I am now and simply just making this adjustment work by passing all my classes.

    • Talisha Rahman

      It’s great that you’re motivated to make the most of this second chance. Radiology sounds like a perfect fit for your passion for helping others. I hope you stay dedicated and have a successful semester!

  8. Somali

    What I’d like to share about myself is that I am enrolled with CityTech to advance my career as a nurse. I originally obtained my BS in Criminal Justice in 1997. I worked for ACS for 10 years with Special Victims until I reached burnout. I decided to take another career path and choose nursing. I have been an LPN for 14 years and after many failed attempts to get back into school, I FINALLY DID IT!! I am so excited about this next chapter in my life. The first semester I just plan to focus, focus, study, study!! I expect it to be a totally different experience from LPN School and look forward to the challenge.

    • Talisha Rahman

      Congratulations on getting back into school and pursuing nursing! Your dedication is inspiring. I’m sure this new chapter will be challenging, but you’re ready for it. Best of luck with your studies!

  9. Kastia

    It’s never too late. And here you are making that your reality.

  10. Farouk02

    I would want you guys to know that I view city tech as a second opportunity from highschool, and also an opportunity to fulfill both my dream and my dad’s dream of being an engineer. With my lack of effort from highschool I spent the last two years constantly worried that I’ve failed completely, I’m tired of living in self doubt/hatred and changed my entire mindset because it really is never too late

  11. Daniel

    Hello my name is Daniel Andrewigbodudu

    a major in chemistry (Associate degree)

    and my reason for taking this major is because I plan to pursue a degree in pharmacy and was told to do some prerequisite like a Associate degree before moving on to pharmacy degree

    So my goals here is to be the best student in my major

    • Yeiner

      Hello guys.

      My name is Yeiner Guity Dionisio, and there is no much to know about me. I’m determinated to get bachelor’s degree on Mechanical Engineer, and there is not stop, I hope you all achieve your goals and life.

      I’ll make sure to say hi, everytime I see yall, guck luck 🙂 <3

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