Project #1: Introducing Yourself (Draft & revised)

      Hi, I would like to explain more into what I’m deeply passionate about and that is art. I feel that i can’t live without it. I think if i never was introduced in drawing or observe any other art work, my mind/thoughts/ideas would be boring and uncreative. It starts with a pencil onto paper and just letting the ideas flow out on the paper. Its fun and amazing experience.  Anyway, I don’t really know what i see as my design aesthetic because I never really thought about it as I work on a drawing. But I’ll certainly think about it more and will put it here. In five years, I see myself as in as an art teacher for middle schoolers and teaching them the ways of art and inspire them to wanting to know more. Plus, i know i won’t be boring in the topic, it’s all going to be fun.

      Well, of course, most of you don’t know me  and I don’t know you, but you can figure out specific details in my image/profile. It would be kind of hard to point some out at first because I don’t have the “best” background to make a clue of what i’m interested in. And No, my favorite color isn’t yellow haha because its the background. I will call out some of them to shine some light to all of you. First, i’m wearing a wine color beanie. I love wearing hats, but mostly beanies. I wear them to hide my hair cause i don’t feel right when my hair is down. Sometimes i don’t wear them, but i mostly do. It might be weird to you, but it doesn’t stop me from wearing it. It makes me comfortable and its like apart of me in a non-weird way. Second, I’m wearing a black & white poka dotted collared shirts. I like these types of shirts and the dots because to me, it shows that i’m sort of preppy with the collar and the poka dots represents the fun and silly personality. Also, i just love black and white because it’s simple and i’m a simple person.  Therefore, this image represents me as being a simple, fun, silly, and hat lover, which is interesting, right?

     Obviously, the image can be misinterpreted and see way differently than what i see.  If someone might understand it differently than i intended, it’s totally understandable. They would see that my favorite is yellow or i don’t look silly, but shy. I might agree with those thoughts and might not, but thats how life is. We can’t be 100% about certain things, even if we think we are.

    Finally, I will explain what my profile will covey about me overall.  I would say  passionate and independent but mostly independent. I’m alone and not much to really figure out to help express myself. I don’t like to rely on others to help me do what things in life. I want to learn more about myself and what new things I can be intrigued by. Also, to express myself in my own way on my outer shell than copy or follow others. Overall, this matters because having that type of attitude will guide me to my goals and become successful in life.

2 thoughts on “Project #1: Introducing Yourself (Draft & revised)”

  1. After reading your draft, I feel like it’s a very clear thing to let others know who you are. Everything is clear. What do you look like, what are you going to do. About now, about future. You make me think about my draft. I didn’t mention about avatar. I think this is what I need to approve. And when I read it, it seems like I’m talking with you, it feels like very close.
    As you said, my draft is kind of jump in too much ideas, well, about fashion designer I’ll edit it. Thanks for your suggestions.
    And I still learning from this OPENLAB!!!

  2. Helloooo! Your draft is amazing, and I can clearly understand what you are going to pursue in years to come. I love that you can write describing yourself, and about your style, like your beanies and hats. Thank you for sharing who you are, you will be an awesome artist one day! ) well we are artists now but you know what i mean) 😀

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