3.1 Online Conversation

For this post, I want you to find a conversation you’ve had with someone on your phone that you feel comfortable sharing. Then I want you to introduce the “setting” and “context” of this conversation (where/when did it happen? what was it about?). Next, write out at least 10 lines of back-and-forth from the conversation.

Lastly, I want you to comment on particular words you and/or the person you were texting used that stood out to you (and why).

19 thoughts on “3.1 Online Conversation”

  1. How bad do you want it? Thats the question I ask my brother every time he has a game. What seemed to be a dream was actually coming into fruition for my little brother, as he continues to work and strive for his goals. On a Saturday afternoon I texted him and asked “how was your game” he responded by saying “The game was light I had twelve points and ten assist” The fact he always looking to get his teammates involve in the game is what makes his game so special, anybody can go get forty but who’s willing to sacrifice and make others better. This is what push our conversation forward as we continued to talk about the things he still needed to work on.
    “how was your game?”Christian
    “The game was light I had twelve points and ten assist”kelvin
    “Why weren’t you more aggressive on offense scoreeee the ball!!!!!!”
    “shut up you know I’m a pass first player I don’t need to score thirty”
    “Maybe you just can’t score bum ass”
    “I’m a walking bucket stop playin”
    “right, I just wanna see you make it you can be a special pg”
    “I know that’s the plan to do something special”
    “Alright meet me in the habor for a workout”
    So as you can see me and brother have a goofy bond but when it comes down to it we work and keep that focus. btw the labor is a gym

  2. ALONE, AFRAID AND FORGOTTEN. Those are the words I titled myself when I witnessed my parents get a divorce at the age of 16. I recall someone so close to me help me get through this horrible phase. This conversation drilled its way into my heart because its one of the many conversations he left imprinted in my life; he no longer is here with us.
    I can honestly say, Johnny helped me battle the worst emotion I’ve ever encountered.

    Johnny was a family friend who I grew up with, two years older than me, mature, Positive and super preppy from his style of clothing to his words of wisdom. He even had the opportunity to study in Albany. Although his journey was cut short, he left his mark on earth.
    Johnny and I were text messaging each other when he realized I was typing gibberish non-sense.

    -NAT: sometimes i feel like, maybe if i were to leave or runaway no one would care. my mom wouldn’t notice nor my dad because they’re selfishly prioritizing their emotions over mine. HOW ABOUT ME? I’m not ok with this. HOW ABOUT HOW I FEEL? screw everything, I’m so over life.

    -JOHNNY: you can’t think like that nat, you have to understand adults situations have nothing to do with you. people change, feelings change but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you!!!

    -NAT: i want to die johnny, i feel so pathetic. who side do i go with ? why should i choose, i hate this.

    -JOHNNY: you have to promise me you’re not going to do something harmful and hurt me and the family. You’re going to mature, this will pass and you will see that this will only make you stronger. it feels like hell, i know. write 5 reasons down in why you should leave us if you strongly feel like running away.


    -JOHNNY: you cried because you don’t really wanna leave, stay.. your home might be separating but that doesn’t change the fact your home is your home. ill be here every step of the way, day or night.

    Johnny prevented me from doing anything I would’ve regret. He taught me to be strong, confident and to honor my parents even if they’re happier elsewhere. The most impactful message was when he told me to write down five reasons on why I should runaway. I kid you not, I began to envision my parents crying and me being the cause to their broken hearts.

  3. Dag which conversation should I share lol. It’s so many but I’ll choose one of many conversations I have with my Twin, this particular one was my bros BCSC 3rd annual BBQ on a summer night in Queens. For u to get in You had to purchase ur ticket on eventbrite.
    Me: twinnnnnnn, there’s a BBQ going down we got to pop out.
    TWIN: when n where Bytch?
    Me: July 15, it’s Slay 3rd annual, u remember last year that shyt was a zoovieeeee!
    Twin” chick I’m in there wait damn we got to find outfits. What u going to where twin?
    Me: well idk but UK what ever I where must stand out bc it’s going to be pack as hell. UK we got to get these numbers lol
    Twin: yesssssss twin ok well we got like 3 weeks b4 then so UK I’m going shopping in buy some crop top n some shorts.
    Me: yesss twin I’m a wear some shorts 2 but im trying to figure out my hair UK how I do. Lol outfit is last 4 me bc it ain’t going to be much clothes anyway lmfaooo.
    Twin: tru tru UK how we do Lml.
    Twin: well cool I’m about to put in my bid for my babysitter now also how we getting out there?
    Me: idk but Ik I’m not driving I’m trying to get litttt! Lmfaoo. So maybe a uber but I’m a see is bro trying to go as well since he live not 2 far he can drive.
    Twin:yesss we got to go with the team so fo what u do n round them up.
    Me: well it’s a go we in there I’m a purchases the tixs now bc they got the early bird special for $10 plus u get the bcsc jungle juice lol.
    Twin: what’s the jungle juice bytch?
    Me;idk they always promoting something lol.
    Twin: iight get that bc uk we pregaming b4 we go so I’ll buy that bottle
    Me: iight copy but if anything comes up UK I’ll keep u posted.
    Twin: Ok cool love u twin
    Me: love u more hit me! Smooches

    So my twin n I are 2 peas n a pod we do it all together that’s my heart when you see her you will definitely see me.. we don’t call each other by our names we call each other Twin.

  4. sitting on the couch thinking about my life and how I want to join one of the military branches. I receive a call from my uncle/Godfather, I haven’t spoken to him for a while now, so I eagerly answered the phone. we started to catch up and I mention my thought on the military and how I wanted to be part of it. I thought he would make it a big deal but he took it quite well, we continued to talk and I passed the phone on to my brother so they could catch up. as I went back to my thought I realize I forgot to say something, but… he already hung up.
    Me: Uncle don’t tell my mom about it.
    Uncle Jo: – yeah she is not gon take this well.
    Me: -yehh
    -she wont even think about it. she’ll think its dangerous
    Uncle Jo: -yeah but it is though.
    – Right?
    Me: sort of but that’s life everywhere is dangerous so…
    Uncle Jo: – igh i gotchu but you gon have to tell her eventually.
    Me: -yea I will thanks uncle (kiss emoji)

  5. Just before I graduated high school my assistant head coach on the school basketball team texted me after we lost the quarterfinals in the playoffs.
    A.C- It’s Jordan
    Me- wassup Jordan, how you doing
    A.C- I’m good boy. how you
    Me- I’m good just chilling
    A.C- that’s cool man. it sucks that we couldn’t win it all man. I know it’s not the best feeling but I just wanted to tell you how coach and I appreciate you.
    A.C- your hard work and dedication to the team. keep working hard in everything you do this isn’t the end.
    Me- Alright Jordan, thanks for everything it was fun
    A.C- no doubt man I’m always here for man if you need any advice don’t be afraid to text me.
    Me- Good looks, means a lot

    The words that stuck out to me was hard work and dedication because he used those words to describe me. This conversation stood out to me because he showed that he cared more about my life than just basketball.

  6. I came home from school on Thursday, starving, looked into my fridge and realized…I didn’t want anything I had helped my mother cook. Now don’t get me wrong, my mother is a great cook but my aunt is slightly better ( don’t tell my mom ). So I grab my phone and ask my aunt to cook me me some fried chicken and her delicious brownies. She responded by saying ” Happily my love. I’ll have Goddaddy bring the food to you when I make it. If you ever need or want anything, don’t hesitate to ask, I’m always here for you.”. I said,” Thanks. I love you. Have a good night and stay safe”. Then I went to sleep. But while I was texting her, I felt so happy that she still loves me so much even though we haven’t seen each other in 2 years.

  7. This was a conversation between my best friend and I. We both had free time to play on our PlayStation so he texted me to get on and here is how it went.

    Maliq- yeeeerr

    Me-yeer what’s up bro ?

    Maliq- bro I’m done with home work and I just got home from work get online so we could play c.o.d

    Me-ii bet ima be on In like 20 minutes


  8. This conversation took place on snapchat Tuesday morning with my best friend and I. We haven’t seen each other often since she goes to a different school now.

    Sonia: how do i get into my college email
    me:idk google it shorty
    m: sorry for the late response my aunt cut off my data
    S:yea yea whatever
    S: google is no help
    M:*link attachment * try here
    S: thanks bud

  9. This morning like 8 minutes to 10 me and my boyfriend got into little disagreement. The morning was already bad for me because I was supposed to leave with him to go to school woke up early and everything but my mother delayed that as usual and said she’ll be right back. So I asked how long she says 15 minutes,that turned into 3 hours!. So before the argument we started off on the phone and then text alternating because we both kept hanging out on each other and because he was. Before you read the conversation just know I was right and he was wrong and he admitted it like 2 hours ago when we were watching Netflix. I’m going to write how it is on the phone.

    Jaylan- wya?
    txt me
    me- in the house
    Jaylan- u still coming to meet me?
    me- yes, get out at 11:15 right
    Jaylan- 11:40 is crucial u come I need that $$$$
    me- Y
    Jaylan- I need a binder for class
    me- thought it was for u to buy my gift.
    I have a binder
    multiple ones you can choose from.
    Jaylan- I want my own and I NEED MY MONEY TO BUY MY STUFF stop questioning me
    me- and if u don’t like these you can go to the
    bargain store
    and 99 cent store
    by the house
    cause u keep lying
    Jaylan- Tf I’m lying about buying a binder
    me- first the money was going to food that day I
    was coming over
    than it was for a gift
    now its for a binder
    I didn’t say u was lying about the binder
    Jaylan- I’m not buying u food u buying me and u food from now own u leach
    me- (voice note) ARE YOU BLIND OR DEAF I SAID
    you are lying about the usage of the money
    when I first said I was going to the bank u was like good cause
    thats how we eating tonight, that was that day I was coming to
    ya house. NOW u like its for my gift. NOW u like its for u to get
    supplies and a binder. SOOO what are u talking about I’m not
    buying u food u leach, and idk who u calling a leach in the first
    u said the money was like for 4 things
    Jaylan-im in class can’t listen to thats
    me- it can’t be for all
    Jaylan- yes it can
    not buying u food
    u got money
    spend it cheap
    spend it cheap me- tf Jaylan shut up cause u gmt
    nobody asked u to buy me food
    I said thats what u said u was using the
    money for the first time u knew I was
    going to the bank‼️‼️
    Jaylan- u said I said I was
    Dub me- u said that u said that out of your
    own mouth in person and in the
    messgess so what r u talking about!
    Jaylan- I’m in class
    txt it lazy me- when I was coming to ya house I told u I
    was going to the bank u was like good cause
    thats how we eating and than when I told u
    was happen than u was like ig we starving
    I can’t txt my anger

  10. I’m really upset because I typed it out one way and when I pressed send it came out like that. and I had emojis in it but now that I posted it its not showing

    1. Apologies, Deja–that’s a shortcoming of OpenLab. The formatting and emojis might work better if you create your own post instead of replying/commenting to my posts. Great work, by the way!

  11. This is a conversation I just had with one of my friends from high school; he goes to QCC and he is trying to get a car because his commute is too long.

    Kevin- Yeah bro i want to save up for college.
    Me- oh yeah? what car you trying to get.
    Kevin- Idk something old i guess, for a first car
    Me- Hopefully me too lol
    Kevin- I just need it to go school tbh
    Me- yeah man i feel you, the mta can be annoying af sometimes
    Kevin- i can use my mom or my dads car anytime i want but you know if you have your own car its a different feeling
    Me- yeah bro good luck,
    lets link up this week.

  12. Few weeks ago, on a Friday morning. I woke up around 8am, I turned my phone on and saw this text from my supervisor.
    Supervisor: Good morning Ibrahim. You are scheduled to work for 6:30 am, is everything okay?
    Me: Yes I am okay and I am off today.
    Supervisor: No the schedule says you are supposed to work today.
    Me: Now I am confused, you know I am usually off on Wednesdays and Fridays so that must be a mistake.
    Supervisor: Oh okay, maybe Kent (the boss) changed your schedule.
    Me: I am sure he did and without even telling me.
    Supervisor. It’s okay Ibrahim. Sorry for the misunderstanding, have a good day.
    Me: Thanks same to you.

  13. It was one breezy saturday night, I was playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3, domination. I had about 40 kills and 15 deaths but even with these stats i was still losing badly, the second person on my teams leaderboard was 15 and 20. He was doing atrocious and I got feed up with his poor game play so I decide to say something to him that wasn’t very nice, only because i was very mad.
    Me: ” Yoo what the f*** are doing my guy”
    Him: ” Shut the fuck up”
    Me: “Get better at the game ”
    Him: ” Shut up, that why I got your girlfriend texting me right now”
    Me: ” Bro you probably like 11 years old, you can’t even handle stuff like that lol ;)”
    Him: ” Yeah I can bc i handled your mom”
    Me: ” Watch your mom lil boy”
    Him: ” I’m 25 stupid”
    Me: ” damn”
    This situation made my night that day because of the fact that this man is arguing with a kid over a game. All the words stood out to me because i wanted to show how some people act over a game and what kind of things people say over social media and behind these accounts.

  14. On Saturday morning my mom left to Mexico leaving me behind in charge of the house, while dropping my mom off I was very worried it was the first time I’ve ever been home alone and especially in charge of the house, most importantly I’ve never been detached from my mother. I was worried but my mom made sure everything was going to be alright “hopefully”.
    Me: mom please text me when you are of the plane.
    (2 minutes later)
    Me: mom don’t forget to call me when your there, and don’t Fall asleep be aware of your surroundings .
    (5 minutes later)

    1. well since it was long… I’m just going to say my mom kept telling me that everything was going to be alright. with that being said I felt like I was taking the role of a mom and my mom as my daughter I felt worried and anxious as she separated from me at the airport, but ever since she said everything will be fine I feel relieved.

  15. You have to do these types of homework when I end up having to get rid of my phone and replace it with a trash one huhhh. Okay onto the actual reply now.

    It’s been two weeks in college already and I’ve already made myself comfy on a little lounge area on the third floor every other day for my two hour break. I’m usually talking to one of my good friends every now and then. Our conversations usually start out weird and end out in a skype call sometimes. So during my break I decide to hit him up(text him) cause I’m bored and need entertainment.

    Me:”Two hour break”
    “Entertain me fam”
    “Watching naruto atm”(atm = at the moment)”
    Me:*sends eye emoji*
    “Nayrootoe you say”
    Frtiend:”Kid version season 4″
    Me:*sends two eye emojis*”these versions of nayrootoe”
    “Yee”*sends laughing crying emoji*
    Friend:”But I’m watching naruto rn”(rn= right now)*sends crying emoji*
    “How am i gonna do that while skyping” *send two crying laughing emoji*
    “Stream it”*crying laughing emoji”
    Friend:*sends 6 crying laughing emojis*
    “Explain how to do that on an iphone” *sends 3 more laughing crying emojis*
    Me”Just poke the iphone in the nayrootoe stream button and viola” *two laughing crying emojis*
    Friend:”Wat”*sends 4 more laughing crying emojis*
    “Did u peep the pics b”

    And thats where I’ll end it. It got long, and if you haven’t figured it out the laughing crying emojis are a staple of ours. There isn’t a conversation where there isn’t one. The fact that I don’t find anything that stands out in this conversation is most interesting to me as everyone would point out the constant emojis or the narootoe speak but we’re always saying some dumb things and they get realllly dumb its hilarious. Lucky for you all you got a simple conversation such as this. Trust me, I spared you all *laughing crying emoji*

  16. Kingston, Jamaica. 2014,

    3AM on a Monday morning,my EX calling I let it ring until about the last tone then pick up. Throw a somewhat tired tone even though I’m shocked out my mind.
    “Trudy – Sean ! You alright? Wassup?”
    ” Me – I’m good ”
    “Trudy – look you probably wanna sleep but I just wanted to apologize for the things I did and the things you went through.”
    “Me – Trudy really? ”
    “Trudy- I’m sorry sean, it just happened ”
    Right now you probably asking what really happened, long story short Trudy left me for another girl. Literally woke up one day and we met up at her school and she somewhat told me the news then texted the rest later that day. Ever since then I’ve been a different person.
    “Me – you love who you love and you like what you like, please leave me alone.”
    “Trudy – I know it’s messed up but I just want us to stay in contact please”
    “Me – I think that idea is so unhealthy for me, you have done and said enough. I have school in a couple hours so good bye. ”
    “Trudy – please just hear me out, you are such a kind soul and I feel so bad for what happen and just hope that you at least forgive me!”
    “Sean – I have, and I think I really should get going.”

    -hang up phone.
    Unhealthy would be the word because it describes how the situation was and what it could have been if I had prolonged the conversation.

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