Art Sims was a graphic designer across entertainment media. Still, he’s best known for his film posters, an example of this being a poster for the film “Mo’ Better Blues” which follows a jazz musician, as he navigates through drama, musical aspiration, and the consequences of his actions, he even has a call back to one of his previous works “Do the Right Thing” as it’s in the background not taking away from the cover but adding on as the title gives a double meaning as a callback and questioning if what the protagonist does is the right thing. I chose Art Sims because of how he structures his work I like how he’s able to lay out his work in a way that lets you see all the elements of the movie, not all of it but enough to grasp the roles people in these movies are gonna play and I strive to be able to have my work be that easy to read, as for his photography I also love how little he uses for his poster as isn’t over crowed allowing you to take in the elements more I also like a more simple approach for my work.
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Communication Design Theory
An in-depth introduction to communication design theory, this writing intensive course examines theoretical perspectives of design practice within the larger discourse of design and visual culture.
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