Summary: Gail Anderson is a New York-based graphic designer and professor at SVA. Her family migrated to The Bronx all the way from Jamaica. In 1984, she graduated from SVA and was taught by Paula Scher. At the start of her career, she worked as a designer for The Boston Globe Sunday magazine and Vintage Books (Random House). From 1987-2002, she worked as a designer and senior art director for Rolling Stone magazine. And in 2002-2010, she was a creative director at SpotCo., an advertising agency in NYC that makes artwork for Broadway and theaters. She’s won many awards for her designs and has also been included in many permanent collections of the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum and the Milton Glaser Design Archives at SVA.

Some of her Works:

My Art Style: Gail Anderson also did a lot of typography and that part of design has always interested me. Back at Pratt I took a typography class and absolutely loved it even though I still struggled in some areas. I noticed how Anderson also uses lots of color too, and even though I still struggle with adding color to my pieces, I still really enjoy it and I feel like I could learn something from her work.


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