Armstrong, Helen. Graphic Design Theory: Readings From the Field, Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. Pages 19-31.

Questions / Prompts

  • What common views do these artists/designers share and where might they disagree?
  • Which elements of these texts remain relevant for the present, and which elements are problematic? 
  • Using visual examples from the Futurists and Constructivists, present the ways that political and economic power can be expressed through visual design.
  • How has the communication process changed since the early 20th Century, specifically with regard to “feedback” and “noise”?

A common view in which a lot of these artists and designers are able to share is their end goal. They all have something they want to achieve in the end, and be able to have a finished piece but while doing it in the style or way they want to. And many of these people work to come up with their ways of how things can be done easiest for them. They can use different molds for their creations. I’m sure because a lot of people prefer playing safe, they don’t wander off into new territory, since it’s new ways that can be hard and challenging when they can stick to a simpler way.

Some of the elements that are still in the present that are problematic are the way people don’t think there need to be changed to some of the inventions we have. Things like the way the book has been kept the same for centuries, or how ladders have kept the same design. There might not be a need for a new way to work on this, but there is probably someone out there who has had an idea or two. There is always a way to step up a design and create a new one that is even better.

Political and Economic power can be shown by the way they can express through their art the things they want to ponder to the audience.

I think the communication process has changed is because of the new technology we have. We are able to create art now digitally without the means of having to use physical materials and wasting money for supplies.
