Question & Prompt

  • What common views do these artists/designers share and where might they disagree?
  • Which elements of these texts remain relevant for the present, and which elements are problematic? 
  • Using visual examples from the Futurists and Constructivists, present the ways that political and economic power can be expressed through visual design.
  • How has the communication process changed since the early 20th Century, specifically with regard to “feedback” and “noise”?

Reading Response

Marinetti, Rodchenko, and Lissitzky all believe in a change for the design industry, albeit through different means. They each wanted to revolutionize the way people looked at art/design and artists alike.

Much of what was said in these manifestos rings true today, such as the concept presented by Lissitzky, of constantly building off of previous ideas and inventions. This idea leads into the philosophy that nothing is ever truly original anymore, everyone takes ideas from already pre-existing sources, but since true originality is over it’s now more about where we can take those borrowed ideas and how can we add to it to make it seem fresh or new. There are original ways to express these ideas but the subjects the ideas or concepts are based on are not original.

Communication has changed over the past years – the internet was not as easily/readily available to many people, nor was it as advanced as it is now. Social media has also become a part of everyday life for most people, making room for mass feedback and noise through the internet. Content creators can post work and quickly get hundreds of opinions and thoughts on the work they posted. Sometimes the comments (feedback) can be useful, other times it can just be unhelpful noise. As technology has evolved artists/designers have evolved with it; the internet has a vast collection of easily accessible ideas for people to take from and add their own to it.
