Green-lit photo with a black rectangle that has the word "WRITING" written 3 letters per line
Writing” by Berk Hakim via Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

No class Monday

for Wednesday:

  1. Read through the feedback (either from your instructor or peers) on your draft again
  2. Work on revising Unit 1: Education Narrative
  3. After you write a second draft, take a look at the presentation on paragraphing by Prof. Carrie Hall. Then return to your draft and make decisions about how to break up and organize the paragraphs.
  4. Next, think about your reader and the direction and flow of your piece. Where do you want the reader to pause and reflect? Where do you want to push them ahead to the next idea? Where do you want to remind them of something you said earlier? Where do you want to emphasize something? Use transition phrases to direct your reader and to connect ideas. To help you integrate transitions, consult Purdue Owl’s list of transitions and Purdue OWL’s explanation of how to write transitions.
  5. Return to your draft and do the following:
    • Find a place where you can describe a person, place, or action/event using vivid description. Consider all five senses and add at least two to that description.
    • Find two places where you can add dialogue and do so.

UNIT 1 DUE 9/27