
With the end of semester in sight, I want to give you a road map for the next few weeks:


  • Writing in a New Genre: Part Two: (new due date) Friday, Dec. 11
  • Revising either Education Narrative or Annotated Bibliography: Wednesday, Dec. 16

I am reading through your assignments for last week (Writing in a New Genre: Part 1), and I will be providing you with feedback this week.

While you wait for my feedback, think about and start to draft the second part of this assignment: Writing in a New Genre: Part Two.  Remember, you can choose to incorporate your research into ANY genre (a newspaper article, a TED Talk, a poem etc.).

Here, once again, are the guidelines for Writing in a New Genre: Part Two

Part Two: Writing in a genre

Take your research and draft a document for your specific audience. Write your piece using the format and conventions of the genre you have chosen and analyzed: be sure to pay attention to the unique qualities of your genre, and incorporate traits from the list you made earlier.

Your objective is to share your research with your specific audience in order to accomplish your desired goal (which you identified in your reflection).

Note: There is no particular word count for this portion of the assignment as the length will be determined by the genre in which you choose to work.


When you are finished. Title it Week 15 and 16: Writing in a New Genre Part Two  and choose the category: Week 16 Work