Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020


I am writing this having already heard the news that Joe Biden won the electoral votes needed to become the 46th President of the United States. I feel such a relief knowing that Donald Trump is no longer in office. There is a large part of me that does not care to talk about policy, economy, and other important political topics. Although we consider everything politics today I really care to talk about morality. Now more than ever I want to see change.  Four years of Donald Trump has created a really comfortable space for really dangerous beliefs and it was insane to watch and be a part of. So, as much as I feel like I can sigh in relief, there is also so much of me that is fearful of what has been uncovered these past 4 years. There is so much that I want to hear from those in office now. I would love to see universal health care and at least free community or public colleges. Federal Minimum wage changes would be a plus. But the most important thing would be for black and brown people to be noticed. Back in June cities across America and cities across the world marched for days on end when the murder of George Floyd took place. And for some reason it still feels like no one was listening. There are still children on the border that will never see their parents again. There are still children in cages. These happenings cant go ignored and they definitely do not deserve more than a tweet or two. There is no more room for racism. There is no more room for xenophobia and nationalism. I hope even if it isn’t during this presidency that within due time someone will stand up and be the voice that black/brown women, men and children need.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    This is a beautifully written response. I wonder if you want to make it into something more? Let’s talk about your using this as material for Unit 3: Writing in a New Genre…

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