Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #7: Research topic

The one topic was on my mind since I read and watched the play, was gender equality. The other topics that I came out with revolved around gender equality. This will be a good topic because although this play was taken place such a long time ago but yet it still is a recurring problem in todays society. Another reason is that it talks about women having a political voice in the government. Antigone couldn’t even get a say when her uncle sent her brother to death. Just like a problem in the past how women aren’t allowed to vote. That also brings me to my next point where the women in that situation stood up and got to finish their goal. In both situations women didn’t agree with the governments ways and they took their own action.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller


    Now your task is to come up with a research question — maybe something along the lines of what sparked the Suffragist Movement (the movement that led women to get the right to vote)? Were there times before the Suffragist Movement where women tried (but failed) to get the right to vote? And were all women (regardless of race, class, education, etc.) included in the Suffragist Movement? Were any women AGAINST women getting the right to vote?

    Instead, you might want to look at the women’s rights in general (or lack thereof) in various countries. Where do women still not have a political voice? And where are women’s political voices even stronger than men’s? Why is there such a difference between certain countries when it comes to giving women power?

    Look at my sample questions and either run with one OR adapt it OR come up with your own (be sure it is specific, and that you do not already know the answer!).

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