Prof. Miller| ENG 1101 - OL62 | Fall 2020

Micro-Activity #5

The first thing that that comes to my mind when i think of education is levels. When we fist start school we are taught the basics reading writing math etc… i consider this level one. Level two is what i believe to be improving that of which we were taught in level one.  Level three i believe is the most important. In this level we choose one or more topics we studied in level two and base a career around it.  I consider level three to be college. At this point we should know the more than the basics and want to improve what interests us. One thing that bothers me about education is that we are not educated in schools about very important aspects of life one of which are how to do our taxes. Also most k-12 education focuses more on current times and history when i believe the future should be incorporated in the education system. We have studied the past and present now we should study how we can improve our future. This is not only the case in the education system but also in the teachers. Most teacher just do what their told and don’t really care about the students and just want us to graduate. There are few who care and prepare students for a better future with skills they believe that living a good life in the future requires. From 10th to 12 grade I had and engineering teacher who taught us skills that would prepare us for the future. He genuinely cared about us and treated us like adults. He was strict and told us to treat his class like it was a job. This shaped us to be better at engineering and a hard working person, preparing us for the real world.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Suzanne Miller

    Hi Sharif,

    There is so much you can draw on here!

    As I said in our meeting, the key is to be specific. So put yourself (and your readers) back in that H.S. engineering classroom! Talk about what it looked like, felt like, sounded like etc. Then discuss how different this teacher was from others & this wonderful idea you have expressed about looking forward instead of always backwards or at the present.

    What is fascinating about your point about looking toward the future is that if education (particularly K-12) were a more “forward-thinking” institution, we may not find ourselves struggling to provide quality online education right now. In other words we should have seen this coming & prepared for it years ago.

    For your rough draft (unless you have a different idea), I think it would work to specifically bring us into the engineering classroom as a way to bring your reader in to your world. Then, theme-wise you can talk about the importance of always having an eye on the future– always having a vision. This is important for individuals, but it’s also the responsibility of that educators have when working with their students.

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