Week 3: Monday, 9/7 – Friday, 9/11

(Monday: Labor Day–no classes)

By end-of-day Friday, 9/11


  • Plato, The Republic, Book VII, “Allegory of the Cave”
  • Watch the two short videos for Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”: here and here
  • Read through the assignment guidelines for “Unit 1: Education Narrative” 


Micro-Activity #4: Allegory of the Cave

  • Write a post in which you do the following:
    • Write a short paragraph (approx. 250 words) examining the idea of education as Plato presents it. In your paragraph, discuss the following:
      • The different roles people are playing in the story. Are there those who could be described as “students” and those who could be described as “teachers”? How so? In general, what traits differentiate students from teachers? Can you make a case for being able to see some of the people in the “Allegory of the Cave” as playing both the role of teacher and student?
      • Write a short paragraph (approx. 250 words) discussing what you believe the purpose of education to be. In making your case, you may address any or all levels of education. You might also compare or contrast your ideas with those of Plato.
  • Before publishing your post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Micro-Activity # 4: Allegory of the Cave”
    • Pick the category “Week 3 Work”

Quick Comment

  • Go to my Discussion Question about the Unit 1: Education Narrative guidelines and use commenting to respond to the following (approx. 100 words): What question or questions appeal to you? What are some observations you have or stories you might tell about your education journey (brainstorm a list)? In your response, you should also include any questions you have about the Unit 1: Education Narrative guidelines.