As we discussed in class today, we are using a 6-point system to approach problems. Do a 6-point analysis for the question
“How can I do well in this class?”
Prepare this tonight (Monday) and in Tuesday’s class discuss this with your group. Prepare a single result and post it in your Group Post.
6 Point Process to How I Can Do Well in This Class.
Steps it takes to do well.
Time management
Goal oriented question
“To do well” = succeed academically
“I” = personal question
Study the textbooks
Attend office hours
Staying on top of assignments and homework
Trying different methods to understand the problem.
Researching the math topics.
We can do well in this class by managing time well, studying often, and attending office hours when help is needed.
Group 3 ( Jahdiel Brown, Navindra, Milly)
6 Point Process to How Can I Do Well In This Class
Context- Steps to take to do well in this class.
Observations- My notes, Myself
Questions- Who can give me help? Am I managing my time wisely?
Strategies- organize my time, study my notes, set up relevant goals, ask for help
Concepts- How to study? How can I participate more in class?
Conclusion- I can do these things in order to succeed.
Context: what is the problem trying to solve and how will it be solved?
Observations: look back at my notes.
What is the topic of this problem?
Concepts: in what ways can I study or ask for help in class?
conclusion I want become better in math.