Due Date(s)
- Reading on color from Last week’s assignments should be completed and the new ones below completed by next week. Respond the the Radio Lab Podcast Ripping a Rainbow a New One and respond on your own Portfolio site to what was the most interesting thing that you learned in the podcast about how we and our fellow creatures on this planet view color
- JPEGs and PDFs uploaded to OpenLab to YOUR ePortfolio Site for your visual quote project and also the copy explaining your design process for each concept uploaded to YOUR ePortfolio Site due November 8th.
- Logo History Third and Final Draft will be due November 8th for those of you who have received your grade already on Blackboard and 2nd draft comments from me. Those students whose logo history third draft is due on the 8th are:

To Read and To Watch
- Finish Completing Color Reading/Podcast from last week if you have not already done so.
- Review the Vistaprint Video on CYMK Vs. RGB
• Color Science Videos by Pixar— This is a series of videos on color done by Pixar, the well-known animation studio. Please watch these over the next two weeks and to the practice exercises.
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