Monthly Archives: February 2018

Homework for Monday 5 February UPDATED

• Make sure that you know and understand the following things (which are in my slideshow linked in this post):

The definition of the derivative at a point

What it means to say that a function is differentiable at a point or on an open interval

The definition of the derivative function

The various notations that are used for the derivative function

• Do the WeBWorK assignment “DerivativeDefinition”. You can wait to do the assignment “DerivativeFunction” until after Wednesday’s class (after Test 1 we will have class). Please note that you should be using the definition of derivative, and not any shortcuts you may know, in order to compute the derivatives of problems 2 and 3 in “DerivativeDefinition”.

• Also do the following problems from the textbook:

p. 56 # 19-27 odd (see this post for some notes)

p. 69 #1, 3, 5, 10, 12, 13-19 odd (part (a) only)

p. 85 #5, 11-19 all, 21, 33-38 all (tangent line only)

There will be a Quiz on Monday. The topic will be using the definition of derivative to compute a derivative.

Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!

Test 1 Review (UPDATED)

Test 1 is scheduled for the first 50 minutes of class on Wednesday 28 February. Please see the course policies

The review problems distributed in class are also here:

The answers are here


Here are some resources that may help with these problems: warning, many videos are on YouTube, so you may have to watch ads and another video may autoplay after this one is finished.

For problem 1, see this video from PatrickJMT  on finding a limit from a graph.

For problem 3a, see this video from PatrickJMT on finding a limit by factoring and canceling.

You may also want to take the time to watch lots of limit examples  part 1

For problem 4, you should also answer this question for the graph in problem 1 (as suggested in the answer sheet). Here is a video from PatrickJMT about continuity and the types of discontinuities.

Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!

Monday 26 February class


• Definition of the derivative of a function at a point

• Differentiability

• Definition of the derivative function

Slideshow about definitions of derivatives:


Here are notes on two of the examples I worked in class: finding the derivative function of $f(x) = \frac{1}{x+1}$, and finding the derivative function of $f(x) = |x|$. Pay special attention in the second example to the way we need to use one-sided limits to see if the derivative exists at $x=0$. (It does not.)



From now on I will post the homework in a separate post from the class notes. The homework assignment from today’s class is here.

Wednesday 21 February class


•More on limits which involve infinity:

How to tell if a limit is $\infty$ or $-\infty$ without using the graph

Here are my handwritten (sloppy) notes from class:

MAT1475limitsInfinity page 1

Limits at infinity for polynomial and rational functions

• Derivatives: introduction to the idea

There are two ways of looking at what we are trying to achieve with the derivative:

One way : geometrically, thinking about the graph of a function f(x), we are trying to find something like a slope for functions that are not linear. Why would we want to do this? Because the slope of a line represents the rate at which y (or f(x)) is changing as x increases. If you think of x as representing time, that may be helpful. If the slope is 1.5, that means that if x increases by 1, the value of the function will increase by 1.5.

A line has the same slope (rate of change) at every point, but we can’t expect that to be true for a function whose graph is not a line. But hopefully we can find something like a slope at a single point on the graph. It makes sense that this should be the slope of the tangent line at that point, if you think about it. (That’s if there is a tangent line!)

Another way: Thinking about the function itself, the rate of change of the function may represent something we are very interested in. For example, if we have a position function as in the example, the rate of change of the function is the velocity. (Also, for a velocity function, the rate of change will give the acceleration!) We would like to be able to define velocity for position functions which are not linear, meaning that the velocity is not the same at every point.

Example: I basically used the same example that is used at the start of Chapter 2. The position function represents the height of an object which is dropped from a height of 150 feet, t seconds after it is dropped. The function is

$f(t) = -16t^{2} + 150$

For any function (not just this one), we define the average rate of change (here it’s the average velocity) on an interval $[a,b]$ to be the slope of the secant line that passes through the two points $\left(a, f(a)\right)$ and $\left(b, f(b)\right)$ as

$\frac{f(b) – f(a)}{b-a}$

In class we computed the average rate of change for our position function on the intervals [2,  3] and [2, 2.5] . On your own you can compute the average rate of change on the intervals [2, 2.1] and [2, 2.01] and more if you like… or you can look at the textbook!

Notice that the right-hand endpoints of these intervals are getting closer and closer to 2. The idea is that we want to look at what happens to these slopes (average velocities) as the second point approaches (2, 86). This will mean taking a limit.

Looking at the results from those average velocities, it appears that they do approach a limit and the limit is -64 (or very close to that).


Now we will rewrite the formula for the average velocity a bit. Think of taking the interval [2, 2+h] where h is some (small) number, possibly negative. So we would think of our intervals as [2, 2+1], [2, 2+0.5], [2, 2+0.1], etc. Then the slope of the secant line (the average velocity) would be written as

$\frac{f(2+h) – f(2)}{(2+h)-2} = \frac{f(2+h) – f(2)}{h}$

And we will define the instantaneous velocity at t=2 to be the limit of this as h goes to 0:

$\displaystyle \lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(2+h) – f(2)}{h}$

Let’s compute that limit. We already know that $f(2) = 86$. To find $f(2+h)$:


f(2+h) = -16(2+h)^{2} + 150 & = -16(4 + 4h + h^{2}) + 150\\

& = -64 -64h -16h^{2} + 150\\

& = 86 -64h – 16h^{2}


So $f(2+h) – f(2) = 86 -64h – 16h^{2} -86 = -64h – 16h^{2}$


\displaystyle \lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{f(2+h) – f(2)}{h} & = \lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{-64h – 16h^{2}}{h}\\

& =\lim_{h\rightarrow 0} \frac{h(-64 – 16h)}{h}\\

& = \lim_{h\rightarrow 0}(-64 – 16h)\\

& = -64 – 16(0) = -64


So the slope of the tangent line is -64, as we predicted.

Homework for Wednesday 21 February

• Review the definitions of continuous function and the three types of discontinuity (notes soon)

• Do the WeBWorK “Limits-Continuity2”

• Also do the following problems from the textbook:

p. 44 #1-21 odd

p. 55 #9, 10


Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!

Homework for Tuesday 20 February

Please note, there are no classes on Monday the 19th because of Presidents Day. On Tuesday the 20th, we follow a Monday schedule, so we will meet.


I hope to post notes soon from last Wednesday’s class, but in the meanwhile you should make sure that you have done the problems from the textbook which were assigned the previous class .


Also do these problems from the textbook:

p. 28 #25-31 odd

p. 35 #1-21 odd

And review the definition of a continuous function which is given on p. 37


There will not be a Quiz on Tuesday and there is no new WeBWorK yet.


Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!


Math club meeting Thursday (tomorrow)

This looks interesting! Open to all.


Title: “Let’s Play Sudoku”

Speaker: Brad Isaacson (NYCCT)

Date/Room: Thursday Feb. 8, 2018, 12:50-2:00pm, Namm N720


Sudoku is a very popular number puzzle.  In this talk, we will discuss some of the strategies for playing Sudoku, including naked and hidden pairs/triples, unique rectangles, and alternating inference chains.  May there never again be a Sudoku puzzle that you are unable to solve.

Pizza and refreshments will be served at 12:45pm.

Wednesday 7 February class


• Notation for limits and one-sided limits

• Properties of limits

A slightly improved version of the notes I handed out in class is here:


The substitution property says that for certain types of functions, as long as c is a number in the domain of that function, it will be true that $\displaystyle \lim{x\rightarrow c}f(x) = f(c)$

There are some other functions which have the substitution property in addition to polynomials and rational functions. Here are some that you know from previous math classes:

The trig functions $\sin(x)$, $\cos(x)$, $\tan(x)$, $\cot(x)$, $\sec(x)$, $\csc(x)$

The exponential function $b^{x}$ for any positive base $b$ ($b\neq 1)

The logarithmic function $\log_b(x)$ for any positive base $b$ ($b\neq 1)

In particular, the functions $e^x$ and $\ln(x)$ have the substitution property.

We use the properties of limits to shortcut the process of finding a limit whenever possible from now on. We will have to resort to other means when these properties cannot be used, though.



• If you have not already joined Piazza: Look for the invitation to join our Piazza discussion board, and join by following the link. The invitation has been sent to whatever email address you have in Blackboard, and it will be from “The Piazza Team”. Or you can go directly to Piazza here and join using your City Tech email address. We will be using the discussion board as a way to ask questions about the homework or the material discussed in class.

• Last call: If you have not already done so, log in to WeBWorK following the instructions here (which were also handed out in class) and make sure to enter your City Tech email! (If you do not yet have a City Tech email, please enter it as soon as possible.) You must have your City Tech email address in your User information in WeBWorK in order to be able to use the “email your instructor” feature, and also it will be used to send out your midterm grades.

• Do the WeBWorK assignment  “Limits-Continuity1”.  For people who joined this class this week, you still have some time to work on the previous assignment as well. Make sure that you follow the instructions given in the homework assignment last time.

• Also do the following problems from the textbook: p. 28 #7-13 odd, 19-25 odd. I may ask for volunteers to put some of these on the board.

• Monday 12 February is a holiday (no classes meet).

• There will be a Quiz on Wednesday. The question will be a randomly selected homework problem from today’s assignments.


Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!


Note on my schedule: for the time being, I will only be able to be online to read and reply to emails at certain times of the day. (It is possible that I may be online at other times but I cannot guarantee it.) The times are roughly:

Monday – Friday early morning

Monday-Thursday around 2:30-3:00 PM

Sunday-Thursday evenings around 9-10 PM

Please be aware of this if you need to contact me by email. Thanks.



Monday 5 February class (UPDATED!)


• Review of the concept of limits (for the benefit of several new students) and using tables in Desmos to guess the value of the limit (or whether or not there is a limit)

Here are links to the Desmos graphs and tables that I saved from class:

Showing that $\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{\sin(x)}{x} = 1$: notice that $\frac{\sin(x)}{x}$ is undefined when x=0, but the limit as x approaches 0 does exist and is equal to 1. The idea is that we are trying to guess what value the function “should” have when x=0, based on the values nearby.

Limit of a piecewise-defined function: This shows how to enter a piecewise-defined function in Desmos. Since the function is defined differently on each side of the target value of x, we have to use two tables, one for x approaching from the left and one for x approaching from the right.

Limit of a polynomial function: This is a table I made for problem 7, $\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow 1}\left(x^2+3x-5)$ from the homework. Notice that in this case, the limit as x approaches 1 is -1, which is the same as f(1). This is a special situation!

It is very important that you understand what we are doing when we find a limit as x approaches some number c and how that is different from finding the value of the function when x=c. There are times when $\displaystyle \lim_{x\rightarrow c}f(x)$ will be equal to $f(c)$, but that does not mean that they are the same thing conceptually! In fact, that is a special situation that we will be discussing later when we get to the idea of continuity.

• Review of the three ways that a limit may fail to exist.

The limit fails to exist in these situations:

* when the function approaches different values from the left and from the right. (This tells us that in order for the limit to exist, there must be two “one-sided” limits and they must equal each other.)

* when the values of the function either grow without bound (“go to infinity”) or decrease without bound (“go to negative infinity”) as x approaches c. This happens when there is a vertical asymptote to the graph of the function. We will go into this in more detail later on.

* when the values of the function oscillate in such a way that they do not keep getting closer and closer to any fixed number, as x approaches c. (The example is $\sin\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)$)


• Average rate of change over an interval and instantaneous rate of change: I worked through my version of problem 1 from the WeBWorK except that I did not have time to complete the last part, where we are to find the limit of the $\frac{\Delta s}{\Delta t}$. If you have questions about how to compete this problem you can discuss on Piazza! See below.


• If you have not already joined Piazza: Look for the invitation to join our Piazza discussion board, and join by following the link. Or you can go directly to Piazza here and join using your City Tech email address. We will be using the discussion board as a way to ask questions about the homework or the material discussed in class. (New students: I will send you your invitations sometime on Tuesday.)

• If you have not already done so, log in to WeBWorK following the instructions here (which were also handed out in class) and make sure to enter your City Tech email! (If you do not yet have a City Tech email, please enter it as soon as possible.) You must have your City Tech email address in your User information in WeBWorK in order to be able to use the “email your instructor” feature, and also it will be used to send out your midterm grades.

• Make sure that you have done all of the things that are in the First Day post and the post from last time!

• Do the WeBWorK assignment  “LimitsIntroShort”. Make sure that you are using  tables of values to find the limits in problems 9, 11, and 12! (If you go to a friend or tutor, they may try to show you some other way of finding these limits. Be insistent that you can only use the methods we have already learned in class!)

• There will be a Quiz on Wednesday. The question will be what was announced last time.


Don’t forget, if you get stuck on a problem, you can post a question on Piazza. Make sure to give your question a good subject line and tell us the problem itself – we need this information in order to answer your question. And please only put one problem per posted question!


Note on my schedule: for the time being, I will only be able to be online to read and reply to emails at certain times of the day. (It is possible that I may be online at other times but I cannot guarantee it.) The times are roughly:

Monday – Friday early morning

Monday-Thursday around 2:30-3:00 PM

Sunday-Thursday evenings around 9-10 PM

Please be aware of this if you need to contact me by email. Thanks.