Test 1 review

Test 1 is scheduled for Monday 24 February, the first 50 minutes or so of class. Please review the course policies: in particular, there are no make-up tests and no extra time for latecomers, so please be early!


I handed out review Self-Tests in class, and I will also post them to Piazza. You can use Piazza to discuss these problems or to tell me if you find any typos!

The answers follow, after the fold. Please use the Piazza Discussion Board to discuss these!

One comment: In part C, rewrite the equations so that one side is 0, and then use the “zero” function on your calculator to find the required solution(s). Make sure that you look for the solution or solutions that are in the specified interval.

Answers and hints: please let me know (for the usual extra credit) is you find any typos here! Leave a comment!

Part A

1) x=2 or x=8

2) x= \frac{17}{4} or x = - \frac{7}{4}


Part B

I give inequalities first, then interval form. I haven’t figured out how to post the graphs yet. You can probably figure them out from the interval form though.

3) 3 \le x \le 7; [3, 7]

4) x < -4 or x > 0; (-\infty , -4) \cup (0, \infty)


Part C: please note that when you round, you should not use the equals sign!

5) x \approx 2.764

6) x \approx -4.251 or  x \approx -0.510

7) x \approx 3.268

8) x \approx -1.805

Part D

1a) \mathbb R

1b) [3, \infty)

1c) \mathbb R \setminus \{-5\}

2) A(0) = -3     [corrected]

A(5) = 2

A(10) = 21

The domain of A is \mathbb R

3) the domain is [-4, 5] and the range is [-3, 3.5] (approximating the upper bound to the range)

4) y = -2x + 2

5) Every step of this computation must be shown and every step must be mathematically correct! You may do it step-by-step [first compute f(x+h), then subtract f(x), then divide by h] or all at once. But however you do it, every step must be shown and must be correct. So if you have any doubts, put your steps into the comments here.

The final result will be 3 – 4x – 2h


6) g(x) = \sqrt{x+3} - 2


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