Journal #9

We had a broker event at our building today and it was very fast paced. I was told that I have to design a few posters for the events and I had to move really quickly. There were things that had to be changed and made better which I had to do the same day within an hour. I was going back and forth to discuss the work with my supervisor to see how we can make the designs better with the short amount of time we had and in the end, it turned out great. The events in the yards are mostly very cheerful and it’s an amazing environment to be in. There are always foods and drinks and most importantly, there are people to meet that are a very valuable contact to keep. Most people are very friendly and willing to talk. As an extrovert, I never had any hard time building relationship or starting a conversation with anyone and I feel like my co-workers and superiors really appreciate how easy going and open I am to talk to strangers and how I can make someone feel very comfortable very fast.

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