Culture of the Work Place

The culture at Morning Glory Markets leans towards the informal side when it comes to attire. The company values comfort and individual expression, encouraging employees to dress in a manner that reflects their personality while maintaining professionalism. As an intern in the design and social media department, my attire typically consists of smart-casual clothing. Occasionally, I may dress up a bit more for meetings or special events, but overall, there’s a relaxed approach to dress code.

The work environment at Morning Glory Markets fosters collaboration and creativity, the markets take place outdoors. In this case there is an absence of cubicles or shared desks.

The typical workday at Morning Glory Markets follows a flexible yet structured routine. Employees generally start their day around 8:00 AM, although some may arrive earlier or later depending on personal preferences and workload. Throughout the day, there’s a healthy balance between focused work and breaks for collaboration or relaxation.

Lunchtime varies among employees, with some opting to bring their own meals from home and others choosing to explore the nearby vendors. The company encourages employees to take regular breaks and recharge, recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy balance.

As an intern, my workday mirrors that of full-time employees, with opportunities to participate in team meetings, collaborate on projects, and seek guidance from my supervisor. Despite the busy nature of our work, there’s a sense of camaraderie and mutual support among colleagues, creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere.