Category Archives: Uncategorized

Yerlin’s hood

Yerlin Gomez November 8, 2013 I live in Brooklyn Sunset Park. In my neighborhood there are two major avenues which is 5th and 8th avenue. If you walk in those avenues you will notice that there is a garbage can … Continue reading

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Assignment 2: local environment

 The environment  where I took these pictures was in the Bronx, where I take the train, it is about 20 mins from where I live. There are a few fast food restaurant around this area, there is a Burger King, … Continue reading

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Photosynthesis: Light absorption

The picture above is in color. We can see the colors that are reflected off surfaces. The sunlight illuminating the setting in the picture is white. This means it is a mixture of different spectra. The leaves are green because … Continue reading

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Assignment 2: My Local Environment (sorry for the bad pictures)

I chose to take pictures from around my neighborhood. I live in the bronx. Theres a lot of garbage cans around my block and there was a stack of garbage outside but im pretty sure the super did that because … Continue reading

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Decomposition Study

Day 1 Borough Hall Park is littered with rats. You can’t walk through it at night without the sounds of rustling in the bushes and leaves on the ground. At first glance, you’d think there were many squirrels prancing around. … Continue reading

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Fall Migration

What happened? Why are these birds found dead on the ground? In the Fall, many birds begin to migrate to warmer climates. While New York is mostly concrete and asphalt, large pockets of green space found within the likes of … Continue reading

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The First Assignment

There’s an Openlab assignment? Where can I find it?! It’s under the Assignments tab under the banner image. The direct link is here! It’s due October 15th. What do I do? How do I do this? Post to the internet?! … Continue reading

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Poison and pollution in our environment

The images above illustrate a common problem in our city. We utilize poisons to in baiting stations to help us do away with the rodent infestation. Likewise, we generate industrial pollutants that seep into our environment. Here’s an extreme case … Continue reading

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What do I do to do well in this class?

Students usually have some concerns about how to do well in class. Sometimes students take a passive role in class and suffer from not finding a way to be responsible for learning the material on their own. So what did … Continue reading

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Welcome to Explorations!

In this Learning Community, students will learn how to ask questions, summarize findings, and support conclusions with sources and evidence. Students will question and interpret data from the living world as they develop their math, science, and English skills. We … Continue reading

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