Group 7

Melissa, Janice, Cliffon, Timothy, Chris, Stephan

(Redo these)
What is a polysaccharide?
-A carbohydrate whose molecules have a number of sugar molecules bond together.
They are energy storage molecules for short term or structural
Structural polysaccharides
.Cellulose: Structural polymer of glucose found in cell walls of plants
.Chitin: Structural polymer of glucose with an amino group found in animal shells and fungi cell walls

What’s the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

Single celled
Lack a membrane bound nucleus
Smaller in size
Bacteria and archaea are prokaryotic
Has nucleoid
Cytoplasm is bounded my plasma membrane
Cell division is by binary fission
Reproduces asexually
3 basic shapes- coccus, bacillus, spirillum
Smaller ribosomes
Does not include organelles such as chloroplast or mitochondria

Has a membrane bound nucleus
Larger in size
Domain eukarya includes- animals, most plants, some Protista and some fungi
It’s nucleus is the command center of the cell
Cell division is by meiiosis or mitosis
Reproduces sexually and asexually
Contains many membrane bound organelles such as mitochondria, chloroplast (in
plants), golgi apparatus, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum….
Larger ribosomes
Genetic material containing DNA (which makes its cellular structure more

Topic: Cell Respiration (had a tough time with this topic…still kinda do
At the end of glycolysis, how many net molecules of ATP and NADH are produced from one glucose molecule?

Answer: 2 ATP and 2 NADH

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