CMCE 2456 Assignment


As a geotechnical engineer your involvement will begin during the subsurface investigation and continue through the design of foundations.  As your final project you will work in groups of 3; groups will be chosen by the Professor.

As a group decide on a proposed construction project and pick an arbitrary site in one of the 5 boroughs.  Research the site using websites such as google maps and oasis to determine the site area and any nearby subways or waterways.  Develop a subsurface investigation for the site.

Each group member will be responsible for testing a different soil sample.  Develop an imaginary soil profile consisting of your members soil samples.   Design an adequate foundation for your proposed construction. 

Learning Outcome

  • Work with teams of diverse composition;
  • Demonstrate an ability to recognize and interpret multiple forms of evidence;
  • Attain competency in the gathering and critical analysis of information by researching primary and secondary sources.
  • Make observations, understand the fundamental elements of experiment design, generate and analyze data using appropriate quantitative tools.

General Education Competencies

  • Show curiosity and the desire to learn;
  • Acquire tools for lifelong learning;
  • Communicate in diverse settings using written, oral, and visual means;
  • Derive meaning from experience, as well as gather information from observation;
  • Employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking;
  • Gather, interpret, evaluate, and apply information from a variety of sources;
  • Demonstrate intellectual honesty and personal responsibility;
  • Transform information into knowledge, and knowledge into judgment and action;


Each group must submit the following:

  • Final report
    • Site History
    • Proposed Construction
    • Relevant Maps
    • Laboratory Test Data
    • Summary of Subsurface Conditions
    • Recommendation for Foundations
  • Powerpoint Presentation – 5 min
    • Summarize Final Report

Grading Criteria

Project is 20% of Final Grade

  • Report – 16 pts
    • Site History (3pts)
    • Proposed Construction(2pts)
    • Relevant Maps(2pts)
    • Laboratory Test Data(3pts)
    • Summary of Subsurface Conditions(3pts)
    • Recommendation for Foundations(3pts)
  • Powerpoint Presentation – 4 pts
    • Time (1pt)
    • Quality of Slides (1pt)
    • Subject knowledge (1pt)
    • Group Participation (1pt)

Group 4 Presentation Agenda

Group 4 Presentation:

HIV in Brooklyn:  Incidence of the disease based on Ethnicity, Age and Culture


9:30am – 10:00am:           Housekeeping business by Program Directors

10:00am – 12:00n:            Presentation: “HIV Prevention in Brooklyn

                                                Guest Speaker:  Christobal Jacques, LMSW

                                                                            HIV Prevention Specialist

                                                                           NYC Dept. of Health & Mental Hygiene

                                                Guest:                  Michelle Wilson, MPH

                                                                                Aids Education Center

                                                                                SUNY Downstate

 12:00n – 12:30pm:           Q & A Section

12:30pm – 1:00 pm           Lunch and discussion

1:00pm – 1:45pm:            Case Studies Discussion and Project Discussion

1:45pm – 2:00pm:            Summary and Reflection

Microbiology Fall 2012 Class Collaborative Project



4 hours lab/week – Two days per week

Course Description

The course, Fundamentals of Microbiology, has a lecture and laboratory component. The lecture focuses on the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms, interaction between the microbe and the host, and human diseases. Laboratory sessions focus on pure culture techniques, methods of staining and the microscopic, colonial and biochemical identification of saprophytic organisms.

Overall Class Learning Outcomes

(1)  Use analytical and critical thinking skills to approach a research project.

(2) Develop basic microbiology laboratory techniques.

(3) Differentiate the various types of test used in identifying and classifying pathogenic microorganisms.

(4) Use the scientific method to gather,  analyze, interpret and present field base research project

Fall 2012 Class Project

Project Title:     Bacterial Contaminants in Brooklyn Waterfront

Project description

Students will use laboratory skills and knowledge to collect, analyze and interpret data.  They will use Brooklyn waterfront (location to be decided) to collect water samples. Samples will be analyzed using microbial techniques learnt in lab during the semester. This is a semester long class project. The class will be divided into randomly selected groups. Each group will be responsible for collecting samples from one location along the Brooklyn waterfront area. The class will first discuss and decide which of the 5 – 6 groups will sample designated area. Each group will subsequently collect samples, two each, and during the course of the semester run various test in concurrent with lab activities. The following tests will be done by each group;

  1. Inoculating in broth
  2. Gram staining
  3. Negative stain
  4. Streak plate for isolating pure culture
  5. Inoculate on selective and differential media (MacConkey, PEA, blood agar, mannitol salt agar)
  6. Inoculate starch agar, lipid and or DNA agar and gelatin deeps,
  7. Urease, catalase, oxidase and nitrate reduction.
  8. IMViC, SIM, Enterotube II or API system.
  9. Oxygen requirement of growing microbes using oxidative/fermentative tubes or thioglycollate media.
  10. Prepare antibiogram to test for antibiotic sensitivity.

Towards the conclusion of the semester, students will write a lab report and give a short presentation of their analysis.

Project Learning Outcomes

–  Work in groups to accomplish a task

– Use microbial techniques learnt through the semester to analyze samples collected from the Brooklyn Waterfront.

– Gather, interpret, evaluate, and apply information collected from variety of sources.

– Write a lab report on a semester-long activity.

General Education Learning Goals

Pursue disciplined, inquiry-based learning in Microbiology

Use the arts, sciences and humanities as a forum for the study of the physical world.

Employ scientific reasoning and logical thinking

Gather, interpret, evaluate and apply information discerningly from a variety of sources.

Communicate in diverse settings and groups using written, oral and visual means


Students will be assessed on the following;

  • Draft of final lab report – group activity- use GenEd writing rubric or other rubric
  • Final lab report – group activity – use GenEd writing rubric or other rubric
  • Final presentation – group activity – use GenEd writing rubric or other rubric
  • Group members will assess each other in terms of cooperativeness, reliability, general team skills, and effort.

Schedule of Activities.

Week 1

  • Students will be placed into groups
  • Collect samples from selected locations.
  • Inoculate into broth

Week 2

Perform Gram staining

Week 3

  • Perform negative staining
  • Perform acid-fast staining

Week 4 – 5

  • Prepare and isolate pure culture
  • Inoculate differential and selective media

Week 6

  • Analyze for extracellular activities using DNA, starch and gelatin media
  • Analyze for carbohydrate fermentation using phenol red broths and TSI media

Week 7

  • Perform IMViC test, and inoculate on SIM media
  • Inoculate Eenterotube II systems
  • Perform urease, catalase, oxidase and nitrate reduction test


Week 8 – 10

  • Perform an antibiogram
  • Begin the writing process


Week 11

  • Outline of group’s lab report due

Week 12

  • Rough draft due

Week 14

  • Final paper due

Week 15

  • Oral presentation

High Impact Practices – Investigations at the African Burial Ground

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the laws, documents and customs relating to African burials in early New York City.

Working collaboratively, teams of students will investigate various sub- topics and report (in writing and orally) on:
TEAM ONE: The earliest Last Will and Testament of an African in New York City and The Last Will and Testaments of  slave owners in New York City.
TEAM TWO: The laws regarding slave burials in New York City as well as other laws relating to slavery in eighteenth century New York City.
TEAM THREE: Eighteenth century burial practices in New York City including varieties of grave-goods and burial rituals.
TEAM FOUR: The recent history of the Burial Ground and the New York State laws on the desecration of graves.

The justification for this topic is to illustrate the unchanging nature of wills in the common law system as well as to reinforce students’ ability to analyze will clauses, In addition, this unit will expose students to the history (past and recent) of the African Burial Ground and the laws relating to burials in the eighteenth century and today.


1. A comparison of historical and modern New York wills.
2. The laws relating to slave burials in New York City
3, A comparison of eighteenth century burial practices (and grave-goods) compared to modern practices
4. The recent history of the African Burial Ground and the laws concerning the desecration of graves

a. Focusing event: A field trip to the African Burial Ground (290 Broadway)

b. Teaching procedures: Lecture from a National Park Ranger, an hour visit to the Visitor’s Center where students can begin researching their assigned portion followed  two weeks later by a group wiki and a group oral report (each group presents their research for no longer than 10 minutes – each student speaks for no more than two minutes) and individual memo on Blackboard.

c. Student Participation : Students will receive a personal grade for posting a memo synthesizing their research on Blackboard, Teams will also receive a group grade for their wiki postings and oral report.

1.Communication Skills: the ability to read, write and speak effectively.
2, Critical Thinking: the ability to analyze complex issues and to evaluate information.
3. Research and Computer Skills: the ability to acquire, evaluate and synthesize information using appropriate technology in an ethical and legal manner
4. Humanistic and Social Inquiry: an understanding of and respect for cultural diversity, the human experience and the interconnectedness of global and local concerns.

1.Will analysis exercise
2. Individual memo – rubric
3. Team wiki posting – rubric
4. Oral presentation – rubric

Title V Living Lab: High Impact Practice Project

Molecules, Molecules, Molecules:  EVERYDAY LIFE

Second Year Fellow:  Diana Samaroo
Project proposal for Organic Chemistry II

High-impact practice to be used:  collaborative assignment/project and student research

Goals:  The collaborative assignment/project with second-year students will entail research, time management, learning to access campus resources and making real world connections.

Organic Chemistry II is a second semester course that centers on the mechanisms of reactions involving hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, acids and amines, specifically in relation to amino acids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Second-year students will be divided into groups of three or four and decide (build consensus) on an organic molecule of interest to them to research (some requirements listed below).  Each group will select a different organic molecule.  Since this is designed for a second semester course, students will already be familiar with chemistry terminology.

Students will have one session in the library (during weeks 2 or 3 of the semester), learning to use and access library resources such as scientific journal articles, ChemDraw, etc.  Students will analyze which resources are best suited to use for their collaborative assignment. Towards the end of the semester, groups will present using PowerPoint a 10-15 min talk, which should include the following:  why the particular molecule was of interest to them, synthetic methods used for the design of their molecule and at least two relevant applications to the real world.  In addition to the presentation, a written report will be submitted.

This assignment will enable students to make relevant connections to molecules they may encounter every day.  A rubric will be used by their peers and the professor to assess the presentation (both individual and as a group).  In addition, the OpenLab will serve as a forum to post their presentations.


The general education (GenEd) competencies addressed in this assignment include:  information literacy, research, team work, presentation, written and communication skills


An example of molecules in everyday life
Research Topic:  CHOCOLATE and CAFFEINE

A typical student presentation may include the following:

  • The chemical structure of Caffeine (identify functional groups and unique structural characteristics)
  • The history of caffeine
  • The chemical synthesis of caffeine and comparison to naturally occurring caffeine
  • A data table showing the caffeine content in milk chocolate, dark chocolate or across different brands of chocolate.
  • Student may make comparisons of caffeine content in tea or coffee to that in chocolate
  • Caffeine is a known stimulant — students may draw on the chemical relationship to the biological response
  • In their research, students may be surprised to discover that drugs encountered everyday such as Midol or Excedrin contain caffeine (~30mg/tablet)


As a further assignment, student could design an experiment in extracting caffeine from tea and coffee


(Thanks to Melanie and Urmi for reading this assignment and their comments last week March 2)


Using Brooklyn as a Living Lab: Quantification and Identification of Bacterial Species in our Environment


Faculty Member: Marie C. Montes-Matías

Proposed course:  Microbiology Laboratory (Bio 3302L)


The proposed project intends to utilize the Brooklyn Waterfront as an experimental laboratory.  Through this project students will get a better perspective on the bacterial diversity in our environment and their abundance on our ecosystem.  The activity will be designed to supplement the current syllabus for the Microbiology Laboratory.  Experimental part will take at least two weeks.  This activity will also expose students to environmental issues and the impact that contamination has in our environment. 

Week 1:  Sample collection and serial dilutions.  Students will be subdivided into different groups.  Class will travel to the river to collect samples from different locations.  This exercise will combine math and science skills.  After sample collection, students will perform the traditional microbiology technique serial dilutions.  Different concentrations of samples will be plated in LB agar and incubated for 24-48h, which allow the approximation of number of cells in a sample.  This activity will allow students to quantify the approximate number of bacterial cells in the ecosystem.  In order to supplement this exercise, students will also utilize a Spectrophotometer as an analytical instrument to approximate the number of bacterial cells in a sample measuring turbidity. 

Week 2:  Bacterial plate count and identification testing.   Plated samples will be quantified.  After quantification, different cells will be selected for analysis under the microscope.  Bacterial Gram Stain will be performed for basic cell identification and concepts like shape and number will be addressed.  This activity will allow students to identify different bacteria in the sample and the diversity of the ecosystem. 

High Impact Practices 

Undergraduate research

Collaborative assignments and projects

GenEd competencies

Knowledge development from range of interdisciplinary perspectives:  Through experimentation of their own environment, students will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in the classroom to different areas of the real world.  They will be exposed to different disciplines, such as, Microbiology, Math, and Environmental Science.

Inquiry/ Analysis:  Students will be exposed to data collection and analysis, which will help students employ scientific reasoning skills and logical thinking. 

Community Engagement: Exposure to different environmental issues and raise awareness of the importance of environmental conservation.

Communication:  Students will have the opportunity to communicate their results through scientific writing and to orally present their results. 


Assessment for this project will involve different phases.   Prior to the experimental part, students will be asked to generate a hypothesis (their results expectations) .  After the experimental part, students will be asked to write a scientific report to communicate their findings.  In addition, students will have the opportunity to engage in oral presentations to communicate their results and provide an interpretation of their findings.

High Impact Assignment for Web Analytics

Learning Objectives for Web Analytics:

  • Implement strategies to drive traffic to a web site via link building, social media, viral content, paid advertising.
  • Write appropriately for users to find their web site through search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, Ask).
  • Layout and design web pages to drive traffic through a web site to lead to an appropriate conversion
  • Get search engines to index pages and send traffic to a website.
  • Analyze where the traffic is coming from, who their users are, and the successes and failures to gain traffic and convert visitors.

The Project:
I will be splitting the class into groups for an in-depth research project. Each group will examine a particular website and come up with a strategy to improve its SEO/SEM strategy.

The Big Idea behind the project:
Derive and articulate a strategy for implementing SEO/SEM for a particular website.

  1. Each group will choose a site they think needs SEO (search engine optimization) and SEM (search engine marketing) help.
  2. They will discuss amongst themselves (both in class and out) what strategies they will propose. I will emphasize that they need to take certain roles in order to capture the work being done.
  3. The groups will then interview people who fall within the target demographic of their site to see if their proposed changes will make a difference
  4. They will produce a written report (which will be shared with the class via Open Lab) as well as an oral presentation to be given in class. The oral presentation will be 7-10 minutes in length, giving each team member some time to present a part of the findings.
The learning objectives:
  • Review and learn current SEO and SEM techniques
  • Learn how to apply these techniques in an appropriate manner to real-life cases
  • Learn how to gather evidence through research and interviews
  • Learn how to work within a group
  • Present findings and conclusions to a client in a professional and well-reasoned manner
The assessment:
  • I will use a rubric to grade the individual student on the project’s learning objectives.
  • I will also give the group a cumulative grade on the written report and oral presentation.


My New and Improved High Impact Assignment for Physical Assessment

New and Improved High Impact Assignment


This project combines 3 class assignments into one.

Before, each student had to do an interview and take a health history from and adult and then from a child. And write it up in addition to the paper above. ( 15 points each)


The Physical Assessment Course is a Lab class and enrollment is limited to  14 students. Each group will have 3- 4 students.


Each student will be assigned a group.

Each group will be assigned a “family” to assess and write cultural and health promotion paper about.

These groups have large sub groups we will focus on one group.


Asian –    Chinese Americans

Hispanic – Mexican Americans 

Black Americans – Africans who ancestry comes from US  not Islands

Orthodox Jewish –    Hassid  Group


1. Each group will have to interview family members and obtain a health history. You will “make a visit”  to the home by visiting the group Discussion site on  Bb

Data for each family member will be listed.

If any information is missing or you would like additional information you will have to  e-mail the family. (in reality, the Professor) and ask the questions you need. Allow time for this when planning.   15 points



2. After obtaining the relevant Health History each group will do a Physical Assessment of their family in Lab. Dates and times TBA

Physical Data and body systems to be assessed will be given day of Assessment.  (10 points)

Rubrics for Physical Assessment Exam  (in Syllabus) will be used.


3. In the meantime you should be RESEARCHING your culture using Purnell’s wheel as a guide.. A 7-10 page APA style research paper will be due (see above for )Guidelines for Culture Paper. You will write a Health Promotion Plan for your family using a problem your group uncovered during the assessment. This problem should reflect a problem listed in Healthy People 2020.  ( 25 points)




RUBRIC for the Culture/Health Promotion Paper That I will add to above information


Please use minimum  6 of the 10 sub parts of Purnell’s Cultural Assessment in you paper explaining your culture and how there sub parts affect the topic you are choosing to work on in the health promotion piece.

 Subparts of culture:

Communication, nutrition, sexuality, family role, physical or mental illness, pain, spirituality, childbearing/ childrearing, death &dying.  (6 points)


Evaluation Criteria. Provide complete information about the following:


            (1) Family Assessment. This step requires the analysis and organization of            information about the family. .  Be sure to factor in cultural considerations that are specific to that client/family such as ethnicity and religion. It will be necessary to factor in any      information about the client’s level of development as well. It may be necessary    for the nurse to motivate the client in order for learning to take place. Be sure to      assess client’s ability to learn, domains of learning, and effective communication    (5) points).

            (2) Planning. This step requires formulation of client/family goals. Take the client’s point             of view into consideration, as input will have an effect on outcomes. Nursing diagnoses are necessary to have behavioral goals. Goals must be realistic, able         to be achieved by the client, and measurable/observable.  Identify how the health promotion plan will be carried out. Implement the plan according the client’s            learning style and cultural belief system (5 points).

(3) Determine Method of Implementation of the health promotion plan The method of implementation of the nursing client-teaching plan should be specific to the family’s assessed needs and cultural considerations as well as desired outcomes that were identified.  (5 points).

) Correct APA Style, including cover page, citations/references, reference page, abstract                 (2 point).

Written clarity, as well as appropriate grammar, punctuation and sentence structure (2 point).



4. A.  Group assessment – Please assess how your group functioned?

Below are a list of Task Roles people play in a group – in a small group some may

have more than one role

  • Initiator-contributor: Generates new ideas.
  • Information-seeker: Asks for information about the task.
  • Opinion-seeker: Asks for the input from the group about its values.
  • Information-giver: Offers facts or generalization to the group.
  • Opinion-giver: States his or her beliefs about a group issue.
  • Elaborator: Explains ideas within the group, offers examples to clarify ideas.
  • Orienter: Shifts the direction of the group’s discussion.
  • Evaluator-critic: Measures group’s actions against some objective standard.
  • Energizer: Stimulates the group to a higher level of activity.
  • Recorder: Keeps a record of group actions.


B. . Another group evaluation a social roles. Who in the group played one or more of these roles?

  • Encourager: Praises the ideas of others.
  • Harmonizer: Mediates differences between group members.
  • Compromiser: Moves group to another position that is favored by all group members.
  • Gatekeeper/expediter: Keeps communication channels open.
  • Standard Setter: Suggests standards or criteria for the group to achieve.
  • Group observer: Keeps records of group activities and uses this information to offer feedback to the group.
  • Follower: Goes along with the group and accepts the group’s ideas.


C. What was your role in the group?

Do you think your group was effective?

What could have been done differently?


These roles place the group member above the group and are destructive to the group.

Did anyone  in the group engage in this type of behavior?

  • Aggressor: Attacks other group members, deflates the status of others, and other aggressive behavior.
  • Blocker: Resists movement by the group.
  • Recognition seeker: Calls attention to himself or herself.
  • Self-confessor: Seeks to disclose non-group related feelings or opinions.
  • Dominator: Asserts control over the group by manipulating the other group members.
  • Help seeker: Tries to gain the sympathy of the group.
  • Special interest pleader: Uses stereotypes to assert his or her own prejudices.

Group Assessment and self – assessment                   5 points.


•This was the OLD Assignment

Percent of Theory Grade: 20%.


Paper Title: Cultural Assessment& Health Promotion Plan for ________( chosen culture ) •

Purpose: Students will write a paper that explores the practices, beliefs, and customs of a culture, NOT YOUR OWN   which will serve to strengthen cultural competency in interviewing, history taking and planning to promote health in diverse clinical settings in the USA.  Students will write a health promotion plan that may (acknowledge/ close the gap in disparities in health care in the USA.)

The health problem will come from leading health problems of the culture you are assessing. In keeping with the leading health indicators of Healthy People 2020.•


see power point Bb for outline and indicators and link to Healthy People 2020

Healthy People 2020-Understanding and Improving Health


Background Information-Source (


Healthy People 2020 Goals

The goals of Healthy People 2020 are designed to achieve two goals:


  • Increase years of life (life expectancy) and quality of life.


a)     Life expectancy can be achieved by helping individuals gain knowledge, motivation and opportunities they need to make informed decisions about their health.

b)    Quality of life reflects a general sense of happiness and satisfaction

with our lives and environment.  General quality of life encompasses

all aspects of life, including health, recreation, culture, rights, values ,

beliefs, aspirations, and the conditions that support a life containing

these elements.


  • Eliminate health disparities among segments of the population, including differences that occur by gender, race or ethnicity, education or income, disability, geographic location, or sexual orientation.


Premise: “The health of the individual is closely linked to community health-the health of the community and environment in which individuals live, work, and play.  Likewise, community health is profoundly affected by the collective beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors of every one who lives in the community.”




  1. Physical Activity
  2. Nutrition and Weight Status
  3. Tobacco Use
  4. Substance Abuse
  5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  6. Mental Health and Mental Disorders
  7. Injury and Violence Prevention
  8. Environmental Health
  9. Immunization and Infectious Diseases
  10. Access to Health Services





Required Format:                                                                                                                        

•APA Style must be used for :

7 to 10 page paper (max. do not go over) Including Abstract.

•Fontt  10 -point/Style-Times New Roman

•A running head-the name of the culture and leading health indicator reported

•References : newer than 3 years &  not older than 5 (unless it is classic or seminal paper.)

•3-5 references -research articles must be used.< Evidence based practice>


APA style must be used.  Follow link on Bb to Library for exemplar of APA paper.




Choose ONE  disease/illness affecting the culture.

Write a section on the role of RN    in helping with disease management/ teaching/ etc.,
(in that culture,) taking into account that cultures specific needs R/T communication/ nutrition etc.



In the original assignment there is was no grading rubric on how the 20 points are “broken down” Please note in Nursing we are NOT a Democracy- the course coordinator makes the assignments and exams- only in theory do other faculty  teaching the class have a say .

So in the “new and improved version” not only do I want to include High impact practices for student engagement and learning but I want to create  clearer ASSESSMENT so I am trying on a rubric but I think I need some help at making it clear and concise.


Thanks to anyone who will take this on and read and comment on it!





Food for Thought

So far the Open Lab Project is interesting with some aspects being very subjective. It appears to me, that there is much beating around the bush rather than stating directly what people want. It is my personal perception that issues of concern are Middle States, Path Ways and General Education and the need to establish a useful general education process; with assessment that can be understood horizontally across disciplines in the learning process. I work best when people say directly what they want, rather than go in an indirect way. What I am more interested in is developing my courses to meet the expectations of the college community. The foundation of education in my opinion is basically understood when we reflect on the foundation of knowledge going back to the early philosophers.

Also, with group involvement; I have learned more about subjectivity more than anything else so far. I am not too much interested in working in groups, neither am I much interested in putting my picture all over websites. I am greatly however, concerned about my responsibilities to the college community as a whole, and as such must get better at such groups taking place in the Open Lab Project. I am very concerned about the improvement of my students to transfer knowledge. I am concerned with the means to which I can produce what is needed for them to do so. My direct plans for my students is the use of flow-charts for every fabrication phase in my courses. I will have students placed in groups and have each group establish a flow-chart of each fabrication process, and explain the theoretical concepts behind them. These flow-chart projects will be arranged in such a way that they will be able to explain in detail the theory and related fabrication processes they will be required to develop. I will not have one group leader; as I teach my students that they are all leaders. This is also demonstrated in the classroom environment, with the acceptance of new ideas from my students. If a student disagrees with something I am doing in a fabrication process, I allow them to use what ever technique they feel is best. Then we review and discuss that technique. If they goof; I explain the concepts of trouble shooting.  If they are successful, I compliment them. Either way, it is used as classroom discussion and included into the learning process as a valuable lesson for us all.

When I was in Group 2, I felt that with all of the different disciplines in the group there was something to learn from everyone. Some were in construction technology, architectural engineering, and restorative dentistry. To me this combination of disciplines in a group project creates the understanding, which leads great support for the General Education Project; It starts with a FOUNDATION. Every phase of each discipline starts with the evaluation of a foundation. For Restorative Dentistry the foundations are the patients maxillary and mandibular arches. The strength of the foundation is most significant to start with, with the same being true in the general education process. To understand the vertical factors, which extend from the foundation and how they apply to the horizontal is very significant if one understand without subjectivity.

Last, I find that Open Lab site is not as user friendly as I hoped for.