moments big and small; imagination and discovery

Month: May 2024 (Page 1 of 2)

Your Attendance Activity for Finals Week awaits…

Hi Class. Below is a short activity for you to complete in order to get attendance credit for Finals Week (as we are not meeting at all in person this week).


Welcome to an OpenLab Project Site that I created last year, called “NTTR — No Time to Research.” LINK HERE.

I created it on my own in the spring, around the time that the AI chatbots dropped; that said, I had been thinking about these issues for a very long time.

Your mission is: to read it (it is not a large site!); pick at least one post on it; and react in writing with your thoughts and feelings and experiences about the issues I raise in that post. I would also really appreciate if you would add, in your comments, what you think about the Project Site as a whole, and give me suggestions for how to fix it, add to it, or just include any resources you may have found that I ought to know about.

You can do all this by responding in a COMMENT on this OpenLab post. BTW: you can make your COMMENT “private” if you wish.


No In-Person Classes for Finals Week

We are not meeting any more in person. As you know, our last class was last Wednesday. I just want to remind all of you, as many of you have not been in class.

Good luck with your Final Exams in your other classes.

On Wednesday, I will give you a short viewing / reading activity that will count as your Attendance for the week.

Last Day of formal class is tomorrow

Hi Class, If there is someone’s presentation you viewed a while back, and you did not fill out a Teaching Survey for them, you still have another day to do so . Here is the link. 

The plan for Wednesday is: bring in food/drink, anything you want to eat, and anything you want to share!

We finish up any lingering last-chance Library Pairs, etc.

Mini party.

Good byes! No more classes!

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