Category: Unit 1 (Page 3 of 15)

How I Began Song Writing

History, memories, childhood, most of which lays in a dense fog, still and low to the ground. A few with its colorful bright tones which stands out making it easy to see and recall. Meanwhile, others with a hue that may not shine through the mist can vaguely be seen, I sometimes stumble upon, grab to regain balance and feel it’s familiar shape and its image begin to come back as I wisp away from the cloud covering its beauty. Oh what a forgotten memory rediscovered. Writing, a tool used to get away from a world moving fast, where I would be still in a moment in time as if time had stopped just for me to sit and write. Pondering my next word and everything in between as I calculate the syllables to create a bounce. That bounce was everything, it defined my style, my ability to deliver my words in a rhythmic fashion which was my own and could be distinguished, connected to me. Music was my drive and writing lyrics was my passion.

As a young kid, me and my sister were often homebound without much to do. We used to build huge cities out of books throughout the hallway of our 3 bedroom apartment. Other than that we would hunt for things to watch  on TV. We would channel surf every channel over and over until one day we heard music coming from one of the channels. We turned back and discovered music videos. Back then music videos were not in abundance as they are today. They only came on at a certain time of the day or night and were on for only 30 minutes. The music was often rock and roll and I guess was pop in the 80’s. This one video would come on; it was so insatiable, it was Mary Mary by Run DMC. My sister and I learned the chorus of the song really quickly and later learned the lyrics. We would jump on my mother bed yelling, “Mary, Mary why you bug’n”, and sound out the guitar rift between the lyrics. This is when I began learning the words of all songs that I like so I could sing along until I started to write my own songs. When I would visit my cousin Sam, he would know a lot of rap songs and some songs I’ve never heard before that were really good. However, these songs were his own, he had been writing his own song to the beat of well known songs. I really liked this so began to write my own songs and we became a rap duo where he would recite a verse and I would follow after him. I realized that his verse was better than mine because he had already had some experience and I had just started. So, I started to really pick and choose what words I wanted to add to my song. Problem was, my vocabulary wasn;t as vast as his. My cousin was very smart for a young kid. I used to read the dictionary to learn words, which in turn encouraged me to do that same. But the meaning of the words I would find didn’t make sense for what I was trying to say in my songs. I realized that this was more than just making words rhyme, that this was a strategic art. Stringing words and sylaballe together to create a rhythmic style that was unlike others because back originality was a big thing and rap music was still new. So, I began to focus and I needed a quiet place to write and zone out to a beat that I really liked and found myself suspended in time because I did realize that the world was still moving around me when my mom would stop me because it was dinner time or I had to do a chore and had not realize that hours had gone by.

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   How I first learned to write. Well in a literal sense it was in the back of my dad’s car. I named her Pearl after my favorite movie at the time Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a late afternoon, one where the sun seemed to escape by 4, and the moon was rushing to clock in by 5. The night was chilly but only to the point where a sweater was needed, but the seat warmers always seemed to do a much better job at providing warmth. My dad was always very keen on his kids excelling academically, when he saw my penmanship it was an issue he personally took into his own hands to correct. I remember him not allowing me to go in the house til I held the pencil properly, till he saw some type of improvement. Unfortunately, despite me walking away with better penmanship, the tense nature in which I learned forced me to write very heavy. For years I would write to the point where the words looked as if it  were copied and pasted onto the next page in braille. It wasn’t until I started to take the seriousness of my education into my own hands, and place less pressure on myself to be that “perfect” child my dad always wanted me to be, that I started to write lighter. The words seemed to flow easier as though they were meant to be there not forced to be.  

   My first exposure to writing wasn’t physically with a pencil, for I was never really a pencil and paper writer. It was 7th grade, a time in my life where the world seemed to have no purpose, for life was moving around me and I couldn’t get my feet moving enough to keep up.  Wattpad at the time was a well-known app at the time, known for it’s fanfiction and its ability to allow it’s user to write their own stories. I started writing my own stories out of boredom and interest in where it might take me. There wasn’t much going on in my life, and I felt as though maybe writing would fill that gaping hole. I felt like it would give me a purpose, and  allow me to finally put  my energy into something that I cared about and had a genuine interest in. It was not perfect in any form, my themes usually revolved around Mafia love stories seeing as they were the big rave, and my theme was  not consistent. The story ended on chapter two when I couldn’t generate any more ideas for they had already been thought about by the  thousands of other stories just like this one on Wattpad already. So I started my own “journal” of a sort where I detailed my 12-13 year old life. It was short lived however, I soon lost interest in that as well and stopped writing for a while. 

  In Highschool, I started writing again but not for anyone other than my mental stability and sane. It was a way for me to escape the realities of school and to have a safe place in which I could confide in. There was no judgement, no weird looks, no opinions other than my own, to react to these new experiences I was living through. Moments like my first heartbreak, the first boy I thought I was in love with, my first times living carefree in my Iphone’s notes. Who knew that such a small app could engulf the inner workings of my life. I continued this trend throughout all 4 years of highschool because sometimes I genuinely did not feel comfortable with talking to people about some of my issues, I felt as though I was being a weight that they didn’t necessarily need to carry. In my notes I was my most vulnerable but it was the epicenter of self reflection for myself. In my vulnerability I saw where I needed to improve through my writing. If it wasn’t for writing I don’t think I would see the necessary changes I needed to make.


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Overcoming an Obstacle 

In youth years kids are expected to go to school to learn and write in order to excel and go onto the next grade, for many kids to came to ease for them but when it came to me I always felt like I was not able to comprehend the things being taught by the teacher and my grades started to reflect on that. In kindergarten my teacher, Ms Milmore had a discussion with my mom, dad and myself to express her concern in my academic area and she suggested that it is possible that it is a speech impediment and that seeking help by teachers will be needed for me to pass kindergarten. That conversation is vivid to me till this day because I remember seeing another kid in class with an extra teacher and kids laugh at him and I truly did not want that to be me. At first I begged my mom to just let me stay home but when I look back I knew I wouldn’t win that argument and part of me is glad I didn’t. A new week started and the first period came and that is when Ms.B came into the room, a middle aged woman with striking blonde hair and I knew she was there for me. Ms.B and Ms.Milmore had a discussion outside of the class then called my name to go outside and that’s when we walked in her room to talk and go over the basics and part of me just did not want to talk. She went into how we will spend time in her office and how she will come sit in class with me and help me understand things and I was not on board at all. Part of Ms.B knew I was not excited about this at all so she said we can stay in her office for the remainder of the week and starting next we will move into the classroom.When we transitioned into the classroom I tried to block her out as if she was not there but she kept budging and eventually I just let her in because my mom explained she wasn’t there to do no harm. Overtime Ms.B became one of the most impactful people in my life, she continuously helped me and she broke down the work and explained it on a level I understood so when her and her family decided to move when I was in the fourth grade it devastated me because I confined in her not with only school but with pretty much everything. When Ms.B left my speech impediment was nowhere near defeated so Ms.Rachel took her position in my life and we instantly clicked as if Ms.B never left. We got along instantly because I knew what was expected and what she was there for, with Ms.B she broke down the work to a level of understatement that was beneficial towards my comfort zone and with Ms.Rachel she helped me get over my problem with mispronouncing words. I had a hard time saying words that started with a “R”, such as “rainbow”,”red” and “rainy” but Ms.Rachel never gave up on trying to teach me the correct pronunciation. Ms.Rachel was by my side until my eight grade year and there was no more shame in having a little more help because I realized over the years, it was better for me and my education if I wanted to pursue the lifestyle I dreamt of for years. Having a speech impediment was something that impacted my life but it made me meet two teachers that till this day, I still have contact with and that changed my life for the better. They both showed me no matter how far someone pushes you it’s okay to stay around sometimes if it is beneficial in some way and to never give up even if other people make it difficult. 

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