Author: Deon Watts (Page 3 of 3)

{Deon Watts} Lipogram

 I had a talk with Life yesterday. It was quick, surprised? Yet,despite her hast, she taught me quite a bit. She started by emphasizing smiling, and preached its need in everyday life. See in her eyes smiles are like the extra nugget mcdonalds gives by accident. It wasn’t needed, neither was it expected but it made the receipt feel special in a capacity. Smiles  are the cherry that every ice cream sundae needs, and the twigs that can start even the smallest fires. Feelings such as warmth and reassurance can be illustrated with a smile. Time was the bulk teaching. She yelled at me when I said I felt like i’ve wasted my time . She stared me dead in the eyes and said, “ Every mistake is a valuable, and a necessary step leading change”. It made me think and re-evaluate my views regarding time. See time Is there and it will always be, but my time is mine and i have the steering wheel of where it ends up.




See my name is Deon and I’m particularly intimidated by this class because I have never been a strong writer. In high school, I was finished with my English requirements by my junior year so I’ve lost the touch I once had. I do, however, find that writing is a vital way for me to decompress. I am intimated yet hopeful that this class will encourage me to take writing seriously and open my eyes to the beauty of literature. I am interested to see the types of readings we will have and if they will relate to anything I’ve experienced or spark any future reading interests. In regards to online learning, I hope this semester is going to challenge me mentally ( not emotionally I cry enough ), I say this because I like challenges, It forces me to think and to put my everything into finding an answer. I am excited to meet new people as well, having online classes makes it very difficult to connect virtually but it’s worth the try I believe.


 Yellow Roses : They are my absolute favorite rose. They are bright beautiful and remind me of summer which use to be my least favorite season but is weirdly enough rubbing off on me. They remind me that beauty can lie in the smallest of objects. I always wondered why people smell flowers though??



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