A topic that interests me to a great degree is the dilemma of Ethics within the scientific fields. The reason why this question or “topic” sticks in my head is that science is often defined by scientists as the expansion of what we think is or should be possible. Often times i have noticed that religion or those quoting religious beliefs seek to hold particular scientific studies stating that it is a perversion of “Gods will”. However science itself is a perversion of “Gods will” to use it own words against it. The whole point is to question everything and see if we can come up with a sensible and repeatable solution. Oftentimes the religion argument don’t hold much weight outside of reductive arguments, but when this regulation comes from a government officials with a view tinted within the guise of religion can slow and even stop progress in each scientific field. As people have a tendency to make rulings based on their “feelings” and less on the reality of the situation. I’m not arguing that science should be completely deregulated and allowed to run wil. People are still human and would take advantage of such situations. I also understand that we don’t want scientists to test dangerous experiments in dangerous ways that can cause huge environmental/ecological damage just because their curious about the end results regardless of the harm. But the same has to be true to protect real research. To a sort of separation between church and state but for science.