Welcome to a New World

Author: Kevana

Emoji Poetry

Everyone is an angel until they make a mistake and get picked up in the white car. There are two options, cars or bars. 

No one ever chooses a coffin. 

They lived their life rocking and rolling until they get drunk out with friends and forget they left the guitar cord in the bathtub.

 It’s safe to eat a dango every once in a while but beware, the penguins will call whales for assistance, beating you out of existence 

with persistence. 

Sunny days can start with rain especially in the British Virgin Islands

There isn’t enough time in the day to see the blue circle in the museum because the mouse with the horn limits you to 30 seconds

But you’re okay with that because you paid in paper clips.

Lipogram 2 Prisoners Constraint

Sometimes I feel confined in life. Certain times I feel like I want to abandon this life to start a new one. No, this is not the final letter but sometimes I think what if it is? Sometimes in life I feel servitude, like someone above attached me to twine and makes all the moves for me. Yet I make the decisions. Sometimes I feel so unaware of this confinement that when I come back to the real world it disappoints me. I have a vivid mind and a chance to live in the world I created attracts me. There are fine times where I enjoy my sentence, and like books I read, I’m eager to turn over to the next side. There are also the times where all I can do is turn over because I would like to leave the enslavement, but there’s forever a voice that tells me tomorrow will be better, and not to close the book yet.

(I am not a danger to myself I just wanted to be philosophical ;))

Life is Change

Life is change. I was instructed that I will write this lacking the letter in between N and P. I’ve heard that life waits and it will always be there. That’s false. Times will always speed past us, but it’s imperative that we cherish what we have, because life isn’t guaranteed. We try and smile when we feel pain rather than let friends in. Why is that? Having friends in life increases the quality, expectancy and they help us master the hurdles that we endure in life.