Welcome to a New World

Author: Isaiah Villot

Isaiah Villot Change 1c

Life is change

Change and life are always entangled

Change can leave tears

Life can leave smilies

But in the end life and change can make as well as break any individual

Experience and time can teach mental adaptability

That will eventually teach that Life is change and thats perfectly fine





My first post

Mixed feelings. If I’m being honest I was expecting to be hybrid this year when it came to college but it kind feels like high school with the whole zoom meeting aspect. I did like online learning at first. Waking up a little later to get more sleep but after a while it kind of got boring.  Also it was kind of hard for me to learn online compared to the in person experience. But I’m hoping this online experience will be better.

This summer was kind of a bummer for me personally I spent most of my time at work or playing basketball. I wanted to do other things but my friends and I work schedule always clashed with each others.