Welcome to a New World

Author: Ethan

The Roads We Walk On (Ethan Pruzhansky) Lipogram_2

This road has been taken earlier. All of the old memories flooded back to me. “Should I continue on this road or take a different one?” A crossroad is revealed in front of me as I walk down this road. I’m in a conflicted state of mind. Mine mind wanders to the idea. “Do I swell over and above mine beliefs?”; “Do I go back to where I found mine beliefs the first time?” This road is all I ever took.  Now I have a chance to face the road ahead of me. I have control on the road I walk on. But I always walk on the road that I have been bestowed on.

Life is Beautiful

Life is beautiful in such ways, even when I’m having a bad day. The next day may be a disaster. But, guess what, it may be a terrible week. Despite the negative energy in the last several weeks, I will persist and have my pure ideas. I use the negative energy I have within me as a snap back. This puts me in a stance where I can gain a better understanding with my circumstance. I’ve given it my all. I’ll finish it by any means necessary. The next day, I’ll be able to sleep adeptly because I gave it my all. That is why I say life is beautiful: when you have that mentality. Even with bad days, they can be admirable. Pushing past the negativity, expanding my mind. Which I refer as a individual achievement, and the excellent days are the result that lead  the preceding bad days. Thats life!


I had a ornamenting summer. It had ups and downs that I had to deal with over the summer, but I didn’t let that distract me from my priorities. I took the time to focus on myself. I started forming habits, such as learning songs on the guitar and learning how to code because that is the major I chose. It piques my interest. I had covid over the summer, but I didn’t let it take my attention away from my priorities. It costed me three weeks of my summer vacation. However, this gave me the opportunity to improve my skills. I devoted a significant amount of time and effort to my guitar practice. It was also the brought me to become closer to my friends and family. I now a love playing the guitar!
