Welcome to a New World

Author: Ryan Chen

[Ryan Chen]_LIPOGRAM 2

I am Stuck

I am stuck, in a place where I can’t use a certain letter. The letter that I am specifying is between the letters M and P. It is quite a difficult task, writing with a captive’s restraint, but I will always try my utter best. I can’t guarantee that the resulting piece is well-written, but I can guarantee that I will have achieved the target, even if it was quite a challenge. As I write, I use a thesaurus rather regularly, and I find terms that I never have realized were equivalent, which is quite a marvel. Even as I write, I find that I have accidentally added the letter that is between the letters M and P, which I hastily revise. Alas, I am lacking in ideas and can’t advance further in this writing piece, but I pray that it was a great read, as I certainly did relish writing it.

First Assignment – Ryan Chen

Tranquil. Or at least, attempting to be as much as possible. To be perfectly honest, I’m completely stressed out of my mind about college in general, but at least there is one class with a familiar name. My summer was incredibly monotonous. Most of the time was spent lazing around and playing video games, and sometimes just taking a leisurely stroll with my friends. Occasionally there would be a trip to a further away location (off the top of my head, I’ve gone to Little Island Park and to several meetup gatherings with people I’ve met online); but overall, my summer was incredibly lackluster. Attached below is a photo of my sister’s dog, Abu, and I. I’ve known her for almost a year now, but the big twist here is that I used to have a mild fear of dogs, due to a common Asian mindset that dogs are aggressive and may attack randomly. Currently, I am rather fond of Abu, and eager to play with her again every time my sister comes back to visit. What I’m about to say may not be the most unique statement made, but from this image is definitive proof that things can change. I was able to overcome my mild fear and adore Abu. Change is not always a bad thing.

(A quick little tidbit, Abu couldn’t stay put while taking the photo, so we had to grab her attention with a tennis ball. In the photo, my sister was holding a tennis ball above the camera.)