
I’m honestly pretty anxious about this course, mainly due to the fact that it’s online, like the rest of my schedule. I don’t do too well in online classes, even though my grades were better during online than in person, that’s mostly because the workload was based more on doing homework than doing good work. I wasn’t able to pay much attention during online classes so I am worried it’s going to end up being more of the same. I will have to apply myself more, and I’m hoping I do, but I won’t know if I do until the end of class.

My summer was pretty uneventful, mainly due to my job taking up most of my time. It was decent enough, but I made money, so I wasn’t really complaining.  I hung out more often than the last summers however, but they weren’t as fun since I had to be stuck on the island for most of them. I did finally get a car though, so that would most definitely be the high point of my summer. I’ve still saving up money to spend on it, since I want to do a lot to it, but I’m very happy with it right now. I’m not so happy that I didn’t get to see all of my friends who were leaving for college the week before they left because things started coming up for all of us, but I guess it could be my fault for trying to do it right before they left.