Life really isn’t a thing that gets better because it stays static. My view regarding life makes me see change as a bit better than a different human being. I feel like life may get a bit dull and uninteresting if there wasn’t change here and there. The change needn’t be massive, even small changes here and there can keep things fresh and new. Finding a new path that’ll get me where I want, be that place a friend, my trade, maybe even the place I sleep at night. This doesn’t exclude massive changes, as I am aware that a large number that I keep by my side prefer the less prudish path where they act like Hugh Heffner, whereas I have taken the different path where I take more after Will Smith in the fact that I have spent a bit under 3 years with my girl, whereas the maximum time they spend may be fifteen percent the time I have. I write this as evidence that I understand that keeping a bit static is assuaging and calming. The extreme ends isn’t where life thrives, life is best when met in the middle, for the calming between extremes is where the calm is best.