Welcome to a New World

First Assignment – Abeha Choudhry

I’m feeling very indifferent. This is because this is my first semester in college and I don’t know what to expect. I’ve been told by my friends that college is very different from high school, but since this year is online I think it will feel very similar to my senior year of high school. My senior year was also online, so if it does feel the same I am concerned I won’t enjoy my time in college because I don’t like online classes, but I guess time will tell how it will go.

My summer has been very relaxing. It’s been a mix of staying home and going out. The photo I included is when I went out to a pier in the city and caught the sunset.

1 Comment

  1. Shantal Garcia

    I’m anxious as well! Last two years of high school were missed, so I was hoping I could at least experience college in person. Hopefully things change soon.
    -Shantal G.

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