To Do Before Class:

  • Create and save an MLA-style .doc on your computer to use for future assignments. (See “General Guidelines” and “Formatting the First Page of Your Paper” on the OWL Purdue website for guidelines).
  • Read “A Talk to Teachers” by James Baldwin. Pick three paragraphs and do a “Reverse Outline” for each of them. (See “What’s a Paragraph?” by Carrie Hall for guidelines on how to write a reverse outline.)
  • To get you thinking about your research project, I want you to spend some time browsing around the internet. Please follow the steps below, and make sure to save your lists and notes and bring them to class on Tuesday, 10/18:
    • Brainstorm a list of topics that interest you. These can be from history, science, current events, etc. Follow your curiosity.
    • Picking one topic, jot down what you already know or think about that topic. Don’t worry about fact-checking or looking things up. Just go with what’s already in your head.
    • Next, I want you to think about questions you still have. Make a list of things you don’t know, or want to know, or still have questions about. Try and be as specific as possible.
    • Browse the internet to find out more. For now, I will not put limits on the kinds of sources you look at — just use your best judgment! As you look around, take notes. Write down 2+ new things you learned about your topic.
    • Bring your lists and notes to class on Tuesday, 10/18.