Drafting the Unit 1 Assignment

To Do Before Class:

In-Class Writing / Reading:

Discuss your writing process. Be as honest as possible!

  • Discuss the different practices you use to get started on a project. How do you relax? How you do get started with the writing itself?
  • How do you revise your work? Do you wait until the last minute or edit it carefully over time? Do you print out the paper? etc.
  • What, in your writing process, do you want to work on or improve?

To Do After Class:

By Saturday, 9/24, please email me with something you have worked on for your Unit 1 Draft! This will not be graded, and does not have to be in any kind of good shape. It can be messy, just random ideas, bullet points, etc. Just send me something to show you have started!

Note: we do not have class meetings on 9/27 or 10/4! Please check the site for additional instructions.