Monthly Archives: October 2012


The short story we had to read “Who Knows Brooklyn?” is about two authors that both claim to know all about Brooklyn and are experts at it, but they are both very biased and different. John Manbeck is the first … Continue reading

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the kinds of things we do when we take notes: underline highlight star draw an arrow add a comment in the margin circle write over the text to make it bold question mark for something that doesn’t yet make sense–then … Continue reading

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recap of what happened on Wednesday

dear fellow students, on Wednesday in professor Davis class, we discussed about the midterm that will be coming up for both speech and English 1101 before class began. the midterm for professor Davis is next Wednesday the 17th. we are having a review n class, but  professor Davis also said that we shouldn’t only depend on … Continue reading

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Library session

On Wednesday, our class went to the ctiy tech library and on the second floor they had a room with computers and the desktop was touch screen. We were put in to a groups of threes and we the envelop was … Continue reading

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Library Session

On Wednesday, we went to the library and learned about different types of maps. We were given actual maps from decades ago and were able to touch them and look about them. We also received a handout and were put into groups … Continue reading

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Library Session

On Wednesday we has a joint session on the second floor of the City Tech library.  i have been there many times but not to the upstairs area.  We didnt look around much, we went straight into one room, where … Continue reading

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Two New Yorks

I chose the Supreme Court of New York State and the Christopher Columbus statue in Cadman Plaza because they are both just a few years apart but the court house was thought of years before the sculptor of the Columbus … Continue reading

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library session

what we learned in the library on wednesday was VERY helpful. we learned how to do research. yes this might sound like its quite simple. You might think that; maybe i just have to google it and ill get my … Continue reading

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Hey guys below are my notes I took in my iPhone during our class today if you have any questions feel free to comment or message me !! Library 1st floor Low desk reference desk is for help 1 librarian … Continue reading

Posted in Class Summary, SPE 1330 | 1 Comment

you might be quite familiar with this picture. yes, this is the government building that was built after the tragic fire and burning down of the movie theater. i took this picture on our walking tour to BHS. this picture … Continue reading

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“Who Knows Brooklyn”

Please read “Who Knows Brooklyn” by Ben McGrath. This short reading is from The New Yorker magazine. Leave a comment here about quality of sources–what do you take away from this reading about sources on history? about book publishing in general?

Posted in Course Texts, ENG 1101, Homework | 12 Comments

MY walk to Bhs

My walk to Bhs was Jampacked with intresting things ive never noticed . THings such as the statue by the park ive never once glanzed at it or paid it  any attentoin but after the lady that worked at bhs … Continue reading

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Bhs Homework Doe

When we went to Bhs i learned alot of things  the main thing i learned was to pay attetoin to the details. I dont know if anybody noticed but each door hinge had a special design on them  another special … Continue reading

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BHS homework 10/1

On monday,we went to Brooklyn Historical Society and we learned about three different types of maps. one of the map is a Railroad map and the other 2 is cadastral map . One of the cadastral map is also consider … Continue reading

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BHS HW – 10/1

On 10/1,  I learned many things from our trip to the Brooklyn Hisorical Society. First off, my classmates and I got see BHS indoors for the first time, and it actually really did look historical, especially in the library, you … Continue reading

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